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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
, Maine, USA
What does it look like when a rabbit "binkies" what does that mean? Haha sorry, i've never heard that term before!! :)
It's like a happy jump :) All of a sudden they do a quick jump/twist thing.

Here's a video of my bun, Stevie, demonstrating.

Thanks :) They usually do it when they're happy/excited. Not all bunnies show happiness that way though, so don't feel bad if your buns don't do that ;)
That was cute!

Dang I wish I could catch a binky on video or picture. Today Agnes did her highest one yet, it was probably a good 2 feet off the ground maybe?? It cracked me up! My son and I both saw it and laughed. She was just spayed a little over a week ago and was so happy she was finally out.
one of mine will even do semi-stationary half-binkies, lol... looks SO weird, but very cute. whenever I take her outside, she spends the first few minutes just tearing back and forth doing binkies constantly!
My 4 week old babies sort of do that too! Thats why i was wondering what it was called :)
Check out Buster at 1:16. He's a binkying madman!
The video itself is pretty bad, but he was too cute I couldn't help but put it on youtube. :)


I didn't have a problem catching him on video because he usually binkies when I let him out of his cage. Also, I can tell when he's about to because he'll get running and leave some poops behind. Then he'll binky and poop even more! It must make him so happy... :rollseyes
last night, I think my lionhead was wanting to do a binky in her cage but she didn't have any space because my lop was right in front of her... so she did a straight side-ways hop!

Nala (my lionhead) binkies ALL the time, but I've NEVER seen Gaz (my holland lop) binky... until today, when Nala taught her how!

we were out in the yard and the bunnies were near each other... Nala looked at Gaz; Gaz was watching her. Nala ran through their tunnel toy and binkied as she came out the other end, then turned and looked at Gaz... and Gaz ran through the tunnel JUST like Nala had and did the same binky when she came out! she spent the next 5 minutes or so practicing her binkies while Nala watched :D