Weird question

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Valerie - Member
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I have a weird question, does anyone have any pics of a bunny's butt? I was clipping my buns nails and while he was flipped over I noticed something weird stuck to his butt. It looks like a long skinny poop but it looks to be attached to the skin(I tired to gently remove it with a kleenex but it was really stuck to his skin and I didn't want to hurt him).

I have to admit I've never really checked his butt as he doesn't usually let me and has never had issues before. He's pooping and peeing like normal, but I have noticed that he has left a few cecotrophes(sp?) on his cage floor lately.

So if anyone has any pics of what a normal bunny butt/genitals looks like I'd greatly appreciate it.

I think I'm going to call the vet tomorrow for an appointment anyways but I'd just like to see some pics so I know what its supposed to look like anyways.
LOL, No its not testicles. He is a neutered male. He was actually cryptorchid when I got him neutered so it was a bigger surgery.

It looks like a brown ball with a longer end,kind of like a cone or one sided barbell. The round end isa bit bigger then1/4" around and it was about 3/4" long, atleast what I could see. It looks like a long poop that is wrapped in skin. When I tried to wipe it away I could see the skin pulling.

I should have taken a picture but it didnt' occur to me at the time. I"ll maybe try tomorrow to get one. IF I check it tomorrow could I try to soak it with some water and see if it softens?
Here's a pic of rabbit scent glands. The waxy build up is often tar-like and smells skunky.

Could that be it?


If that's what it is, it needs a lot of gentle persuassion to loosen it up. I use warm water and a Q-Tip and a LOT of soaking, or failing that, a little baby oil.

sas :?

Mmmmmmm, That could be it. I didn't notice a smell from it though but maybe it was just too plugged up and dried for smell. I had also jsut clenaed his litter box so the room smelled gross anyways, I might have jsut not noticed it.

From the picture the little dirty part does look like the part that is stuck to the brown "poop" stuff.

Tomorrow night I"ll get my dad to help hold him so I can get a better look and try cleaning it up.

Thanks for helping :)I kind of got freaked out when I saw it and went right into worry mode.
Long, skinny and flat? and sort of in a fold of skin? scent gland...... Bo has that and I use baby oil on a qtip to get it. Hold your breath tho.... PEEEE..... U! when it's out.
Well I called the vet and made an appointment for 3:50 this afternoon. I"ll let her clean them out. PLus Gimpy hasn't been to the vet in 4 years(since his neuter) so its probably time for a check up anyways just to make sure he is healthy.

Thanks for all the help. I'll let you know how the appointment goes.
Great! Bo had his scent glands cleaned about an hour ago....... :vomit:Guess who got that lovely job?
Don't you sometimes wonder how something so small can smell so incredibly gross??? Pumpkin is notoriously stinky....when the boys come downstairs, they're already letting me know that the bunny needs to have a good butt-cleaning!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Great!  Bo had his scent glands cleaned about an hour ago....... :vomit: Guess who got that lovely job?

Tell me about it, like... "sorry CJ, I love you but your making me feel sick" lol and the guinea pigs are really bad :grumpy:
I usually check scent glands when I clip the bunnies' toenails. If they look like theres buildup I clean them out with a wet Qtip. Im thinking maybe every few months or so they need cleaning.
Pet_Bunny wrote:
I think it depends on the bunny, as I don't have too much problems with my bunnies either. I only remembered when I first got Bebe (last August), there was some hard waxy goop underneath her which I easily picked out.

Good luck with the vet. Be sure to have his teeth checked for spurs. A regular check up would include the teeth, eyes, and ears. The doctor would listen to the heartbeat, and feel for the organs. Sometimes they would take a temperature. You can have them clean his scent glands. Be sure to ask lots of w questions. :D

If it is the same clinic, as the neuter, they should have a file on Gimpy, you could ask for a copy of todaysexam and all the other files for your records.

Its the same vet as his neuter. I"ll make sure they check everthing but they usually do a complete exam(eyes, ears, teeth etc.). They are great with rabbits.

I'll definately be asking lots of questions and I'll get them to show me how to clean them out so this doens't happen again.

It depends on the bunny. I never had problems with my two. The only time I remember was when I got Bebe (last August), and there was some waxy goop underneath her. I easilypicked it out.

Good luck at the vets. Be sure to have his teeth checked for spurs. A normal check up would include the teeth, eyes, and ears. The doctor would take a heartbeat, feel the organs,and maybe a temperature. You might as well have them clean the scent glands.

If it is the same clinic as the neuter, you could ask for a copy of todays exams and any previous records to keep for you own records.
OK I'm back from the vet. Both of Gimpy's anal glands were plugged up. With the vet holding him I got a better look. It looked like both glands were plugged with a dark brown round plug(looked exactly like a rabbit poop with a flat top).

He was very good for the vet and didn't wiggle too much. Gimpy weighs about 5.5pounds. The vet checked his teeth and said his front ones are perfect and the back teethare good too but on one side there is a small bump but nothing that should cause problems. Ears good and everything else checked out too.

So i'm glad that he is ok and that the glands are fixed. Thanks everyonefor the help :)
Good everything went well. It was good you could get Gimpy in so soon.It was great youcancall in the morning and get an appointmentfor the afternoon. You should postyour vet in our Library Savvy Vets by Location Section. With all the adopted bunnies from the Humane Society, new people would find it helpful.

We need pictures of Gimpy. :D At 5.5 lbs, he is not a small bunny as I thought. ;)
I"ll try for pics tomorrow, I think he has been through enough for today and is hiding in the corner of his cage.

The clinic I take Gimpy to is Tudor Glen Vet in St. albert. They are great with rabbits and they even used to have their own clinic rabbit. I'll add their info the list.
I sort of feel sorry for my poor bunnies. I'm sort of obsessive about keeping them clean so I'm always getting their eye goopies (the tiny hair clumps that gather at the duct area) out and checking their toenails and anal glands. All three of my buns right now are pretty neat but I had a bunny before that was pretty messy down there (it seems like some bunnies just are for some reason). Even so, I just take off any of the crusty stuff and take a qtip dipped in warm water to gently clean out any "wet" stuff that accumulates. To their credit, they all put up with everything fairly well, and they get papaya tablets when its over. Now if I could only get them bonded! I have a 2.2 pound Netherland Dwarf who acts like he's 10 pounds. Terrorizes the cats and WILL NOT bond with my lone male. (JoJo - the dwarf - is bonded to a female bunny, but poor TJ is still lonely :()

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