Raspberry82 wrote:
kherrmann3 wrote:
We used to go wading around in rivers to catch crayfish in little nets. You just put a net behind them, wiggle your fingers near their claws and they scoot back into the net. Then, you just grab them out of the net (pinch behind their arms) and throw 'em in a bucket. I've never eaten one, we just used them for bass fishing.
Crawfish are real yummy. I've fished for them too and it's fun! I've never been Bass fishing, but I want to someday! Crabbing is fun too, although someone else has to cook them, lol.
Yay! Someone else calls it "crabbing"! We always called catching crayfish "crabbing" because my older half-sisters were too stupid to listen to their little nerdy sister with the coke-bottle glasses (me!) that they weren't crabs, but were crustaceans, though. Not kidding, you could point out any fish/dinosaur and I could name it when I was a kid (marine fishes, too!). I even knew Latin names! I still know a few
Bass fishing isn't that exciting (minus when they jump out of the water). I've actually found that I get bored while fishing. I used to go EVERY weekend with my dad. Opening Day is actually a holiday in my house *rolls eyes* Want me to prove it? Two of my parent's vehicles have fishy license plates. The one on their Corolla is "IGOFISH" and the other one on my dad's new stupid truck is "F1SHMAN". My dad has two boats (which he wants to sell both and get one intermediate one) and a four-wheeler that is covered in fish stickers. I love fish, but am picky about commercial ones because I always got home-cooked fishies. My grandpa (dad's dad) even has a barrel to make his own smoked fish in. Yummy! I think it's funny when they leave the little fish heads on!