Weird and Scary behavior. Please help quick!

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Apr 18, 2005
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I have a 2 year old male lop ear rabbit that hashad some serious trouble sitting still tonight. She has beenflopping herself down on the ground and getting up and flopping dowrepeadily and I can't for the life of me figure out what'swrong. ANyone ever heard of a rabbit doing this. Ican't tell if she's sick or what's wrong
She isn't stratching excessively so I don't thinkit's her ears and it doesn't appear to be fleas or anything else ofsorts but she has been rolling around and turing herself over andstretching out and being very submissive which isn;t like her at all
Does it seem like she is unable to stand up?Sometimes rabbits just flop to get comfortable. I've seen Judy flop,get up, and flop again right in a row. But if it looks like she'shaving trouble sitting up or standing and is flopping around becauseshe's unable to stand then you should take her to the vet. Does sheseem distressed or frightened? Those could be signs that the floppingisn't intentional.
EEEM wrote:
Doesit seem like she is unable to stand up? Sometimes rabbits just flop toget comfortable. I've seen Judy flop, get up, and flop again right in arow. But if it looks like she's having trouble sitting up or standingand is flopping around because she's unable to stand then you shouldtake her to the vet. Does she seem distressed or frightened? Thosecould be signs that the flopping isn't intentional.
Your rightit's like she can't get comfortabel but it has been over an hour andit's up and down and she doens't have the head tilt and doesn't seemdizzy or hot. She just lays on her stomach and flops on herside over and over.
she might just be bored and trying to keep herself entertained. i know 2 of my bunnies like to do it ocassionally
have you given her any treats, sometimes thetreats (especially those with lots of sugar) can upset their stomachsand they will flop around in discomfort, (been there done that-kidslike to treat the bun a little too much sometimes) only usuallylasts a short while from what i've seen.....(ours is a boy lop too)