Week Old Baby

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2008
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Holland, Michigan, USA
Skylar had a litter of four a week ago and we felt one of the babies today and the body was very cold. All of the other ones are warm. We took out mom and got the baby to latch on and drink from her but we don't think the baby will make it threw the night. Any help or suggestions would be great.

Thanks Sara
The only thing you can do is to keep the baby warm. Don't try to feed or hydrate other than by doing what you're doing, letting him/her nurse separately.

If s/he actually latched on to mom and got nourishment, that's great. Does the tummy look fat like a ping pong ball or caved in and wrinkly? (Should be the former, obviously).

You can try keeping him/her on a covered heating pad on low (as long as mom isn't around and able to chew the wire) or heat up a sock full of rice or beans in the microwave and see if s/he'll cuddle up to it. You have to figure out how to keep her warm all night, though.

Hope the baby makes it. They're so fragile at that age. :(

sas :?
I managed to keep a little baby alive for a few days before he unfortunately passed away. This does not mean your baby will pass.

I held the baby as much as possible, and when I went to sleep, I had the little creature nestled into elbow. I know its sounds radical but Pipp is right, the baby MUST have warmth, one way or another. There were no siblings so I had a hot water bottle covered in a pillow case and made sure it was the right temperature, not too hot, the baby nestled up against it. I set my alarm and changed the bottle frequently.

I am hoping for the best here.
Please let us know how it goes :)

I also had the baby feed from the doe a little more frequently than normal, I think it was 3 times a day, check to see if baby has a round tummy and baby should want to sleep immediately after a feed. Do not move or otherwise stimulate baby, the idea is warmth, food, growth and sleep. However if you notice baby is NOT producing any poop, you will need to gently ( very gently massage babies tum), monitor poop and urination.
Place baby with the others for warmth too, as I just remembered that my baby bun was a single so the hot water bottle came in handy, it kind of doubled as a nest full of siblings.

Anyway its just what worked for us.
Good luck

This is going to sound a little wierd, but when I have a baby that is not warm enough I tuck it into the front of my bra, and carry it with me. Letting it nurse separatley like you ahve been doing is great, it is better than bottle feeding any time. Good luck, I hope your baby does ok.
Well we named the little one Peanut. Peanut died at 1 o'clock this morning. We kind of figured but we help her get the most out of life. At only a week old their is not much you can do. They are so fraigile. Thanks for all the help.

Sorry I forgot about another question I had. Mom has not drank a thing from her water bottle. This is not normal for her. I usually have to refill the thing 2 times a day. What do you guys think??
did you name the baby peanut because it was deformed ( a baby rabbit is called a peanut if it has an especially large head etc) just curious. I am sorry you lost the baby.:(

If it was me, I would syringe some water into Mum, maybe tinged with pineapple juice. Also I used to have a few jars of pureed baby food on hand for any bun that looked like it really wanted to be force fed some bub food ;)

Mum is hopefully okay but she should have a decent appetite for both water and food at this stage.

Keep a close eye on her and the babies!

Best of luck:)
I named the baby Peanut because when I laid it down it was shaped like one from head to foot. S/He was so cute. It will be missed. Mom has drank a little bit but not at much as I would like.
gentle giants wrote:
This is going to sound a little wierd, but when I have a baby that is not warm enough I tuck it into the front of my bra, and carry it with me. Letting it nurse separatley like you ahve been doing is great, it is better than bottle feeding any time. Good luck, I hope your baby does ok.

This sounds like a good idea :D

I'm so sorry little peanut didn't make it :(

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