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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Land o' buns, New Jersey, USA
I missed yesterday.....was home sick with sinus stuff. I'm hoping it's not an infection.
The pressure behind my eyes felt like it was going to push them outta their sockets.
I thought it was a migraine at first. I still have a headache, but it's better than it was.

Brindle has decided to abandon ALL of her litter habits!
I can't figure out why. Everything is the same...nothing has really changed.
She stoppedpoopin her litter pan and has been poopin in her cage (wire bottom with drop pan).
I cleaned her cage out and that prompted her to stop peein in her pan, too.

So now I have closed off her cage and put her litter pan in her NIC pen with her.
She started peeing in the pan again, but poops where ever.
If she stops peeing in her pan I'm going to have a real problem now.
I even put hay in and over her pan.....she's managed to stretch far enough to eat the hay without having to get into the pen
I may get rid of her cage altogether and expand her NIC pen.

One thing....while I was cleaning her pen I found a nail that had been pulled out by the quick (looks like within the pass few days). It looks like it may have been a dew claw by the way it's curved.
I didn't have time to check her out real good, but it seemed like she still had both dews. I wonder if the litter was bothering her for some reason??
(**** trying to be "one-with-the-bun" in order to figure this out****)
I'm in a very good mood today - as I'm happy to say that Millie's abscess is on the mend!:biggrin2:The magic of Septrin.;)

I'm sooo tired tho - I've just been chasing Smokey around the riding arena doing loose work with him. I think I tired myself out more than him - but it was worth it as I had him listening to me and following me around by the end (he has been so badly behaved recently!:shock:)however now I have to revise History for my mock tomorrow.:grumpy:

So much for an early night....:bed:
Hiya Jim and B_R! :bunnydance::bunnydance:

No time to write, but wanted to say hello!! :inlove:
Today, my 28 third graders were very antsy. I was out yesterday, feeling ill. So, coming back to them today was an adventure. The sub they got for me was Russian and didn't speak fluent English. She also didn't allow my coteacher to translate what she was saying at all for the students, so they were confused much of the time. She also butted heads with our darling Anger Management child (yes, seriously, this child has an entire plan written for him so he doesn't injure teachers, other children, or himself), so he had a rotten day.

I redid one of the lessons I'd assigned for yesterday. I did a totally different lesson for writing. I gave each child a "check" for $100.00, a check register and a Toys R Us catalog. For today and tomorrow, they will be working to purchase the most amount of toys they can with the money, and still stay within budget. I bought three $5 gift cards to Walmart for prizes for the students who get the closest and do the math correctly. :) I also got 14 copies of Nickelodeon Magazine from my Blockbuster store to give out as additional treats. The kids are tickled with just having the catalog and the fake check, so I can't wait to spring these goodies on them, as well. It's all based on the Book we've focused on this month, Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday, about a boy who gets a dollar from his grandparents and basically squanders it all on nonsense. At the end of the lesson, they are going to write about how their purchases compare to Alexander's and say if they were wiser with their money than he was. :)

OK, I'm rambling.

On top of all this, I got to play with my new early Christmas present: A Nikon D300. I can't wait to take Elf outside and take some really great shots of her in the sunlight. Hubby also bought me a new wedding ring for an early Christmas present last week. The camera and wedding rings were only a couple of things that were stolen last October when our house was burglarized. They would've been replaced sooner, but I had to get a new vehicle and we spent a huge amount installing a home security system after the burglary.

I'm still rambling. :p

Orion and Bethany are going to school where I teach, which is totally fantastic. They come and help me in my classroom every morning, and sit and do their homework in my classroom every afternoon while I'm cleaning up and setting up for the next day. Orion was struggling with his grades in the first quarter of school, so we took him out of soccer (practice on Monday and Friday and games on every Saturday). I teach a Digital Photography course to a group of 3-5th graders every Tuesday. Wednesdays we have teacher meetings (sometimes until 4:45). Thursdays, Bethany is in Jazz class. Orion is working hard to bring his grades back up, so he might be back in soccer in the Spring...although he's toying with the idea of golf instead. :)

Ok...I've rambled enough. :D

Happy Wednesday!

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