Kian Galgey
New Member
Hello I have two rex rabbits that are fullf vaccined. One is 5 months and the other is 4 and a half months. They have a decent size cage with a waterproof cover over it. I got them in May and since May they have been kept in my room, in my room the heating is never on and the both windows are always fully open so it’s just the temperature of the outside. I have put them outside everyday until about 10pm and then brought them back upstairs but tonight I am leaving them in their cage with extra straw, extra hay, extra newspaper, a fleece blanket and a hot water bottle that is safe to go in there, I am just wondering are they okay to stay outside with the weather conditions of Ireland. Since May up until the first week of August it has been very warm reaching up to almost 28 degrees at day and 19-24 degrees at night but now it’s september and the temperatures are going back down to 12-15 degrees Celsius at day and 9-11 degrees Celsius at night, I’ve no room for them in my bedroom anymore as I’m starting back college and my desk will be moving in, I really don’t wanna get rid of them and I won’t be, I don’t mind having to maybe bring them inside when temperatures get too low but I would like them to remain outside for a while. In winter it’s very cold here and they will be sheltered from the rain at all times. Also I got my rabbits teeth cut 3 weeks ago and her teeth are after growing out of her mouth again, I will be getting them cut again but should I get a teeth cutter of the dentist and maybe cut them myself or what should I do?? Can someone please help me the teeth aren’t a big issue cause I don’t mind spending money to get her teeth cut but can someone help me out with their cage and environment thanks very much