I loved yoursong!
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Ernestine's homesickness has hit.

Poor girl.
Last night, she kept jumping on topof her Dad's bunnytoolboxkit.It was Cali's time out andCali and I were sitting in the living room watching t.v. when I heardthis banging coming all about. Ran over toher andshewas sopanicky that she was running in circles asfast as she could around her cage.Ipickedher up, and although her heartbeatseemed okay, her eyes werebulging and she was clearly very upset.
Cali was right by my side, andI had to put her back in hercage with Ernestine in my arms.Ernestinestayedin my arms for at least 1/2 hour as I tried to reassureher everything was okay.I then figured itwas a good time to put her down and let her get her exercise and see ifher exploring would help.
Not! She started thumping every foot sheran to, andshe returned immediately to the state of mind she was in priorto. I picked herback up and put her inthetravel cage that Califlew in on, put a towel inthere, some hay and water, put her inmy bedroom where it wasdark and quiet, and let her be. The borrowing helped her torelax and she couldn't thrash so much that she'd runintosomething and hurt herself. (Youallremember what happened with Apollo - poorguy.)
I don't know what set her off, butI kept her inthetravel cage all night and she was fine. Buck andThe Missus called and I had them talk to her. When the Missusspoke to her, she settled her little behind into the towel more andclosed her eyes. When Buck spoke to her, her ears were up,she was sitting up and when I had taken the phoneback to tellher she was listening to him,it was the first time she cameto the front of the cage because she obviously wanted to heardaddy'svoice one more time.
She seemsokay today. I've put towels over the topof her cage to create the feeling of security for her. Sheseems to be responding to it.