From your post, I think you've lost a rabbit tothis? (Sorry not trying to sound ignorarant or anything jsut trying tofigure this out). I too have had a similar problem not so long ago.
My little sweetheart stopped eating coimpletely, and I'm sure shehadn't eaten anything for atleast 3-4 days I was so worried I was evenconsidering putting her to sleep. She first had no poops, then smallones, then she had major diarhea, then no poops, then small poops, thennormal poops. Things you can try if it's a hair blockage, (Is this whatyou think it is?) Is the following things I did:
If you can, I would take them to the vet, but I don't think it's tooserious if you absolutely cannot. If they aren't eating, you HAVE toget something in them. For my rabbit, I did teh same I boiled water andlet the pellets sit and then mushed them to amek them fluffy and addedmore water to make it go through the syringe. If yuou can get to a vet,ask about hairball remedy with laxative. This is one of the large partsof the thing that got my baby back to her normal self. I used thiskittymalt stuff giving her about a single knuckles worth two times aday for a week, then took her off it and giving it to her once everythree days for another week, then stopped as the vet said thatsometimes they rely on it too much.
I also had a pineapple mix, although it made my rabbits mouth red soi'm not sure if she had a reaction to it? I have these things from tehvet called Medi-Treats for cat hairball remover that I gave her.Ezyimes are very important for breaking down the hair, and whenanything manufactures with pineapple in it, with the heating proccessit kills the enzyimes, so it needs to be fresh pineapple. Also if youdo get something, make sure it consists of bromelain if you can, andsomething else I can't remember.
Something I also had that I saw major improvements for the first fewdays I started feeding it is papaya enzyme tablets. I gave half of oneeach day for the time I got it and continued until she had improved toher normal self (about two weeks).
This recomendations are just from my past expierence, so I'm not sureif you are %100 dealing with the same case, so if you don't feel thattheseremedies are appropriate for your rabbits case, it's youthat knows best. If you think that a hairball is the case, maybemessage me and I can help you more. My heart goes out to you, as I wasso worried, couldn't eat or sleep barely and was just breaking downfrom anxiety! If you need to talk to me about it, I can help if youfeel that this mgith be what your bunny has. Sorry if this isn't butrather go on and on fi it helps, then to have not typed it and thenIcould have helped you. I hate to have someoen else go through thisemotionaly draining process as it was just about the straw that brokethe camels back with all thethings that were going on! Ifthis doesn't help, then there is a large amount of hope that yourbunneis will be fine!
Lots of thought for you, and my heart goes out to you! Hope to see some improvement message soon!