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Oh God, Buck,

I never in any way meant to target you. Silly Man!!

Just was pointing out to Pam that she really never did say a word.

Four more members 'til we get to 1,000. Pretty good stuff!


I was just concerned that everyone was saying how they'd boycott thisformat and the new people signing up would come in and have no one tohelp them out.

I felt badly for Danielle because she got such heat from the members in the Delphi forum.

So glad it worked out in the end.


This truely is a magical site. What I love aboutthis site is that it has humor with rabbits. Thank you all for helpingme realize that Flopsy is more than just an pet, but a friend.

-Ashley & Flopsy
Hi Ashley,

I love our little sheep-bunny, Flopsy.

It's so nice to see you again. If you haven't posted a picture ofFlopsy's mansion in the Cages Only post by Raspberry Swirl, please do.It's such a beautiful set up and one definitely worth noting.


I am incredibly grateful to have found thisforum. I think what I love the most are the People here. Thisis really one big happy family, to me it is. Just like any family wehave our share of spats and disagreements, but we all gather aroundwhen one of us is in trouble. I have laughed with ya'll til my stomachhurt. We have cried together. I love that through the hard work anddedication of Danielle and Carolyn, I have somewhere to come to learnmore about my baby boy.

Thank You!

Congratulations, and thank-you Danielle !!!

And thank-you Carolyn, Buck, Pamnock, BunnyMommy, Stephanie,Lissa, RaspberrySwirl, dajeti2, DaisyNBuster, Fergi, ariel, gjsara,JimD, sandhills_rabbits, Cher, LuvaBun, addeytrix, AnnaS, lanna21974,m.e., u8myhouse, *nepo*, Flopsy, becc_boland, babydoshia, rabbitgirl,cirrustwi, babybunnywrigley, bluebird, blossombunny, Bo B Bunny,blueyes65, luna21, Elf Mommy, pamela227, MyBunnyLovesMe,mambo101, showrabbits............

May everybody's rainbow be that much brighter!

2000 anyone ????


Wow...1007! I think I was around the920 person to join...and that was less than a monthago...can't believe how quickly this site is progressing!!!I'm so glad I've found this site and it is so clear that others feelthe same way!! Way to go! YAY!

Just because my curiosity was evoked, and notbecause I think these statistics really matter, but I counted 122members who have posted 50+ messages on the Forum. Isuspect there are our "core" members. Nineteen ofthose have posted over 1,000 messages, with the high of 7564 and thenumbers keep mounting!:cool:

Yeah, no doubt! It was difficultto "pick a number" that arbitrarily indicated someone reallyenjoyed interacting on the forum. Many people'sposts were in the act of rising because I recognized familiar newnames. Can't tell you of the number of people whose postswere in the several hundreds.

"Gabby" bunch, we are! LOL

:shock:1038 members:shock:that'spretty amazing, most other forums have like 100-200!!! although, i dohave to agree with Buck, some people sign in and never post very much.but yes, WE DOROCK!!! lol

Wow!!! It's amazing how fast this site isgrowing! It seemed like just a week or so ago there was only about 700members..... I keep telling my hubby that Rabbits are the best petthere is! Now i've got proof that there's tons of other rabbit loversout there in addition to me!

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