We gots a kitteh!

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Here are just a few more kitteh pictures! :D

I am starting to warm up to the idea of having a kitteh. Will has groomed her twice, so her hair isn't flying everywhere and in my face. I am going to go to Wal*Mart or somewhere else where I can get fleecy fabric so I can make cheap blankets to go over the couches. Then I don't need to worry about kitteh hair so much. I just noticed that I type "kitteh" a lot instead of "kitty"... Oh well, it's cute! :p

She has gone in her litter box three times now (just pee). She hasn't really been eating, but since she's so voluptuous, I am not really too concerned. I've seen her nibble her food.

She now comes out from behind the couch if I scratch my fingers over her back (we moved the couch away from the wall) and move my arm slowly around the couch. She follows. I have been calling her an "attention wh*re". I'm a bad kitteh-mom. LOL

"Sneaky" cat:

Another picture of her eyes:


She has this adorable little quirk of meowing if she sees either me or Will. We like to mess with her and stick our head over the back of the couch so she meows. Then, we move away and do it again. She has an adorable meow! :) I will get video sometime.

Also, funny story this morning. I am home "sick" from work today (Will didn't set the alarms properly) and I was chilling on the couch. Bella was at the end of the couch, and staring out the window. She was licking her chops and staring outside like she wanted something. Suddenly, THIS appeared outside!

For those of you who are visually impaired. It's a wild turkey! It was just out gobblin' away past my porch! :p
That's so cute about the turkey! Has Bella eaten anything yet? I read that if cats don't eat for 3 days they can do permanent damage to the liver in the form of fatty liver disease. I am in no way a cat expert though, maybe you should ask the vet or post on a kitty forum.

We may be getting a cat too! You and Bella kind of inspired me. What are you doing with her in regards to Toby and Emma?

I love the idea of her sitting in the window sill looking outside. I'm not sure why, but for me the image of a cat in a window looking outside is so peaceful and perfect. If we get a cat but our new place doesn't have windowsills, I plan on buying one of those portable window seats.
She has been nibbling. She hasn't eaten a lot, but we don't know how much she normally eats. She has eaten about 1/4 cup in the last two or so days.

We don't have window sills, either. We have a large sliding patio door that she sits on the couch and looks out.

I'm not sure what we are going to do about the bunnies and kitteh. I will introduce them when she is settled in more. I am not going to trust them together alone. The bunnies are confined to the bedroom and she basically hides under the couch all day. :p

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