We found a house!

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undergunfire wrote:
Tomorrow Ryan's mom and I are going to the habitat for humanity thrift store to see if they have any nice couches for real cheap, until I can afford to buy my red suede (sp?) couch in a few months. On Saturday we are going to go garage saling as well, to see if we can't find a few other things for cheap. It's "cheap, cheap, cheap" now ;).

I repeat just make sure it is comfy.
I found the SWEETEST couch today, oh my lordy!

Ryan's mom and I went to the Salvation Army and there that beauty was! It's black "leather" (not real) and black & white hounds-tooth fabric pattern on the cushions and on the back rests. I can't explain it well, but it was a STEAL. It's almost new...a tiny bit of small white scuffs on the back of the couch (that goes against the wall anyway). We also have to replace the legs on it, too...which is fine because I think different legs would suite the couch better, anyway.

You guys will have pictures of it tomorrow (er, today...Saturday), after we bring it home from Sal's. We are also going to do a little garage saling and a bit more thrift store shopping tomorrow to see what we can find for end tables and a coffee table.

I still have to take a picture of the couch for you guys, but...

One of Ryan's friend's dad just got a new huuuuge screen t.v....sooo...he gave us his old one :shock:. It's a 41 inch HD flat screen....for freeeeee, he only had it for like 6 months too. How nuts is this? Awesome things are coming our way!

Oh, not to mention I may have a lady interested in my spurs (horse stuff) and I am selling a hammock set that I made to a person from the UK that is on my rat forum :thumbup!

OoOoOo....I think we are going down to Phoenix next weekend, too, to get 2 end tables, 1 coffee table, and a dinner table & chairs.....a gift from Ryan's mom :bow!

Gosh, I am so happy. I can't wait until we get moved in :panic:.
Thanks, you two :D!

We meet Mike, our landlord, on Thursday at noon. We are going down to Ikea on Wednesday night to get our 2 end tables and a coffee table...dirt cheap, too...but they look so nice!
Im jealous... a coffee table.

I had a really nice expensive one that matched my end tables and the table in the foyer. My friend broke the glass once. We replaced it, her daughter broke it the second time, we replaced it, my son broke it. We replaced it again.. I tripped and fell into it face first..

My husband took it to the dump... I think he was done with replacing the glass...HA
Well...we got our coffee table, two end tables, kitchen table w/ 4 chairs, a strainer, a stuffed rattie stuffy, more plates/mugs/bowls, two end table lamps, a small trash can...and I think that is it :).

Well, we spent more then we were planning because we noticed our tax returns came...but the trip was fun and I was an angry poopyface the whole time....shopping with Ryan's mom can be a pain in the rear. Ugh, will she understand this is MY house and I don't want her decorating tips?

lol. I'm going to really kick her when we have a baby some day and she is giving me all sorts of "mommy tips".

Congrats! It sounds like a really nice place :biggrin2:

It's funny because I was just skimming through this whole thread, and when you mentioned pricing at first glance I thought the $2,800 reference was per month rent. (For northern Virginia $2,800/month is about right for a 3 bedroom place). Then I saw $950 and I was like...sweet Jesus that's how much we pay here for the cheapest 1 bedroom apartment that can be found! I need to move to Arizona :p
Little Bay Poo wrote:
Congrats! It sounds like a really nice place :biggrin2:

It's funny because I was just skimming through this whole thread, and when you mentioned pricing at first glance I thought the $2,800 reference was per month rent. (For northern Virginia $2,800/month is about right for a 3 bedroom place). Then I saw $950 and I was like...sweet Jesus that's how much we pay here for the cheapest 1 bedroom apartment that can be found! I need to move to Arizona :p

Move to AZ then :biggrin2:. I think Crystal (AngelnSnuffy) needs to move here to and join Tracy , James, and I :p.
undergunfire wrote:
....shopping with Ryan's mom can be a pain in the rear. Ugh, will she understand this is MY house and I don't want her decorating tips?

lol. I'm going to really kick her when we have a baby some day and she is giving me all sorts of "mommy tips".


LOL, I have the same problem with my own mum! Every time she comes over she keeps telling me what I need to tidy next. Today she was saying that I *need* to put the hay and grass in the shed to store. I said that I didn't want to because of all the spiders and bugs that would get into it, not to mention the damp. She kept going on and on about how I could put a cover over it.. Then I mentioned we were going to buy a small plastic bin for all the pellets we've just had delivered and she said I should put them out there! I ended up just saying 'I DON'T WANT TO PUT THEM IN THE SHED!'

I do love my mum, but I dread to think what she'll be like when I have a baby too lol! :shock:
That's aswome!!!!

Right now we are fixing up our house to sell, so if you know of anyone who is looking for a house in Victoria, let me know:p. I'm really bummed because if my dad doesn't get the job in Kelowna, then he said we are moving all the way to FRANCE! and i wouldnt be able to bring any of the pets:bigtears:

But this isnt about me, congatulations!!!:brownbunny
undergunfire wrote:
Little Bay Poo wrote:
Congrats! It sounds like a really nice place :biggrin2:

It's funny because I was just skimming through this whole thread, and when you mentioned pricing at first glance I thought the $2,800 reference was per month rent. (For northern Virginia $2,800/month is about right for a 3 bedroom place). Then I saw $950 and I was like...sweet Jesus that's how much we pay here for the cheapest 1 bedroom apartment that can be found! I need to move to Arizona :p

Move to AZ then :biggrin2:. I think Crystal (AngelnSnuffy) needs to move here to and join Tracy , James, and I :p.

:p, I'm telling ya, with this stupid weather here, ugh, ya never know:).

Congrats on all your great finds, how cool! Oh, I saw an Ikea catalogue once and wow! Awesome stuff there, I love Contemporary:D.

I can't wait to see pics of the house!:weee:
You can't wait to see pictures? Sheeeesh, I can't wait to freakin' move in already! Tracy had better come visit me too :p.

9 MORE DAYS :biggrin2:!

This next weekend coming up we will be going shopping for laundry detergent & stuff like that. I bet that will be fun...I've never shopped for that type of stuff, so it is exciting for me. I asked Ryan if he minded smelling like (or liked the smell of) lavender because they have that smell in laundry detergent, dryer sheets, and dish soap....HAHAHA.

In other words, Crystal, it's getting hot here already...it was like 75 degrees out today....which is sooo sweet after a "cold" winter!
undergunfire wrote:
In other words, Crystal, it's getting hot here already...it was like 75 degrees out today....which is sooo sweet after a "cold" winter!
I know, it gets warm there early, last year when we were there it got to freakin 80 in Feb:shock:. Was awesome! It freakin snowed (flurried) today, go figure, it's "supposed" to be Spring:grumpy:.
YES! We move into our new house tomorrow :biggrin2:!

I am going to be super busy and I will not have the internet for up to a week, but hopefully I will only be without it for a few days.

It is also Marlin's 1st birthday tomorrow AND I get "Bugsy"...my 8 year old foster bunny.

I hope to get over to Ryan's mom's house on Wednesday to post an update on the house and Bugsy....and also PICTURES :).

I am sure I will be on the phone with Alicia (JadeIcing) tomorrow...so I will have her post here to let every one know we got all moved in okay and that Bugsy got to me okay.


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