water bottles

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there isn't an issue of over turned water bowls as long asthe bowl isn't made of plastic and of some thing heavier.
where there is a will there is a way..tookme a while before i founs a food dish angel would not turn over and letme tell you it's pretty easy for a 20lbs rabbit to flip a heavylargecrock if her heart so desires
Fergi always used a water bottle untill she hadher kits, I then used a self watering dish. Today is the first day theboys are using a water bottle, they are all pretty curious about it andtaking lots of sips of water. It's pretty cute! I figure what everworks for you!

Fergi's mom
That self watering dish sounds like a great idea,but Guinevere is VERY particular about her water bottles. Shewill only drink out of the bottle with the pin in the spout rather thenthe ball.
Personally, I think it depends on your individualcircumstance. During the days when I had the big rabbitnumbers, I was eventually able to use an automatic system...actuallytwo. One had 3/8 inch tubes. The other had 5/8 inchtubes. I hated the smaller tubing as it seemed to always beclogged somewhere. Since I live in a COLDwinter area, I had to use pans during the winter months. Iwas glad, in more ways than one to see warmer weatherreappear!!! The water nipple was placed closeenough to the floor of the cage that the babies could easily reach it,as well as mama. It's amazing how young they are when theystart drinking water!

Now I'm on a different place, have 27 rabbits, and have noauto system, so I use the bottles when I can, and the metal pans withthe clips on them during the cold months. I like thebottle/auto system much better than pans or dishes.

- Dolores
one thing i like about bottle vs automaticwatering systems is you can monitor just what they are drinking, andcan be a sign ahead of time if they are headed t'wards any problems,like stasis.
Iwanted to switch to the automaticwatering system, but Gabby has a very good point. I like knowing howmuch theyre drinking. Also, if I notice that they seem "off" with waterbottles I can tell right away if theyre drinking so I guess I'm goingto stick with water bottles.


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