Water Bottles

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Hi Folks! :dude:

I'm so happy. I just went to Tractor Supply Company store today, andalthough I never think anything will change in what they offer forrabbits, I always check it out anyway.

Just found the coolest waterbottle! You probably are already aware ofit, but I wasn't until today. It's got a flop top, so all you have todo is flip the lid and fill it with a pitcher of water or a hose. LoveIt! It's Cali's size, and it doesn't have a ball inside the dispenser,it has more of what looks like a large pinhead. The technical term forit is a spring-activated stainless steel valve. Very cool!

I hate struggling with waterbottles and I'm not fond of bowls, but thiswaterbottle seems to really fit the bill for me - especially with Calibecause she'll go through a bottle a day. It always seems that the lastthing I check before I leave the house is the waterbottles to be surethey're full, and they always could use a topping off. (I know, don'twait, but it just happens that way.)

Yay! This buys me some time and less aggravation in the morning as I'm rushing out the door.


I have some of the fliptops also.Awesome when they work correctly, however, I've had some leak and havealso had rabbits chew on the ridges of the bottle and ruinthem. I have yet to find the "perfect" waterbottle. I don't have problems with the fonts on mywatering system -- don't know why they can't design a bottle thatdoesn't leak.

It's easier for us to see the water level if we put plastic "floaties"in the bottle (such as gallon milk jug tops that come in pretty colors)or small plastic balls.


Thanks for the experience you share, Pam. I'm glad I'm not the only one in search for the perfect waterbottle! :?

I'll see if Cali decides to chew this one or not. I got two and willsee if any of them take to it with success. It'd be great if ithappened, but not sure how this pin thing is going to work for them, aswell as what you pointed out with them chewing on it.

(By the way, I tried putting Cali and Tucker and Fauna out for a minutetoday together. Tucker went at Cali like she was a mole. What a stinkerhe is! Poor Cali was scared to death, and Fauna -- well, let's just sayboth of them were jumping over her like she was a hurdle on a track.After it was over and I caught Cali, Fauna checked in with each of us,individually. I have little hope of Tucker ever accepting Cali out withthe three of them. It's okay. I'll stagger their time, but it would'vebeen nice to not have to worry about it.)

I simply can't believe this ... as much as I defend my baby Tucks.

BAD Tucks! Bad, BAD bunny!!!!!... :X

I'm not kidding...he went after Cali with Fire in his eyes. There wasno need for it. She was completely minding her own business, and shedoes bow down to him. As a matter of fact, she tried to hide from himbehind his nestbox on the floor, but it's not easy to hide for her, andhe went straight for her tail.


Cali was very upset and he doesn't care in the least. He chased her with vigor after scared her out of her hiding place.

It's not right.

Tucker has no clue as to what a little squirt he really is.

This is My Fault!

pamnock wrote:
Poor Cali -- the gentle giant.? Those stinkers!? Tucker and Fauna -- what bad kids ;)


Fauna is the Angel. She gets along with everyone and watches us allwith wonder when we're chasing each other around. She can't for theLife of her figure out why things just can't be 'normal'. Our Baby GirlFauna's the one who goes around after the caos is all over and checksto make sure everyone's okay and feels loved and accepted.

She is without a doubt, The Most Amazingly Loving and Peaceful force in the room.


It may take a little bit for Cali to get used tothe pin if she is used to the ball. Guinevere loves her, butGir is a bit leery about it. He would much rather use theloud angry bottle.

I personally love those bottles. It makes life SO much easier. And they are quieter =)
Marvin doesn'T like his water bottle. He licksthe ball, but gets angry at how slow water is coming that he bites themetal tube and shakes the bottle... then tries again to lick theball... if I squeeze the bottle and make the water flow, he'll drinkand be happy. So my water bottle is not making Marvin happy :(. Whatelse can I use? I do not wish to use a bowl as it will make a mess inthe cage.

;) :shock:
I use the lock-on crocks for food, but you coulduse one for water, too. They bolt to the side of the cage,but the bowl itself comes out easily for refilling. Butthere's no way they can get it off. Mine like to make a messwith their pellets, so I was happy to find these. They comein different sizes. Here's a link:



I use both water bottles and crocks for thewater and food. Pez is going thru a phase that he has tothrow his bowls down the ramps when he is put to bed. Ithought about getting those attachable bowls but the spaces on my cageare too small... so I just drilled 2 holes in the top of the bowl andthread plastic coated wire thru the holes and tied it onto thecage. It was funny watching him try and move the bowls it wasa tug of war and the cage won!

I have 4 flip-top water bottle and have noproblem with them. Do you stick them through the bars of the cage fromthe outside - in right? That is how I do it... I have so many becausethey will last all day and all night when I do that and then I onlyhave to fill them up once a day. 2 for each cage!!
I use a flip-top water bottle like you'redescribing, Carolyn, for my 3 ferrets. It works incredibly well forthem (though the first time I filled it, I went at it like a "normal"ball water bottle, & blew the flip-top clean off in the sink. ;D )

For Meat Bunny, I have a ball-tipped water bottle & a stainlesssteel "no-tip" dog water bowl (I'm very blessed in only living with onerabbit, who is (so far...::knocks on wood:: ) very good about notmessing with her standard cage "furniture". She mostly drinks out ofthe bowl, but the bottle is a nice back-up when she runs through thebowl & either spills it or fills it w/ so many non-drinkable thingsas to finally consider it unpotable. ;}

I've also heard that the "spring activated" valves are less-likely toleak when taken on journeys... ie, they're a better choice to affix tothe carrier if you're taking your bun (or cat, or whatever)cross-country. I've not tested this theory myself, yet, but it doesseem like a good idea. :}
I justbought top fill waterbottles from KW cages they have ends that are the ones they use onautomatic water systems.i have one doe that wont drink from it.love thetop fill they save me alot of time.bluebird

I've used the flip top bottles. I hadone made byLitix (sp?) for over a year and was really happy with it. ButI tried another brand (I can't remember who it was made by, but it hada purple top) when I first got Daisy and it just leaked andleaked. I returned it and tried thesame kind withthe same result. I finally ended up getting Oasis All Weatherbottles, the kind with the little ball in the tube. They aregreat. Sampson's is the only one that ever seems toleak. I even got one for the ferrets when their other onestarted to leak and it doesn't leak even when they bounce around andthe whole cage shakes. These are the only bottles I recommendto anyone.


I have one of those for my pigs, I have noticedthat they actually leak more and I have to refill it more often. Whenhe presses the pin...a lot of water comes out at a time... Ihope yours works good and doesn't have problemslike mine!..Mine cost like10 dollars, and I've gone through so manywaterbottles, I bought a cheap 2 dollar one and that seems to be thebest! heheh.
I use a heavy stoneware crock for a water bowl.Mocha gets frustrated with the water bottle like Marvin does. But thenhe just decides that he would rather not drink than deal with it. Thebiggest problem with the bowl is that he loves to throw his toys in it.I put a floating dog ball in it- it's small enough to let him drinkeasily but it keeps the cardboard tubes and such out of the bowl. Iwash the bowl every day, otherwise it gets icky with stray litter andhair and stuff in it.
Sebastian must notdrink much. I wonder what an average intake is? I only refill his oncea week. He has the large purple Farnam Pet bottle. I don't know howmuch it holds...maybe 4 cups. It only leaks right after we refillit.


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