Water Bottle or Water Dish?

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naturestee wrote:
I use heavy ceramic bowls so they can't be thrown.I wipe them out every day, otherwise they tend to get dirty.But if you think about it, bottles really should be cleaned every daytoo because otherwise the water tastes stale, and it's really hard toclean those spouts out.
LOL, lucky for you those heavy ceramic bowls actually work. I thoughtthe same as you but all my bunnies have proven me wrong. Even Zoey cantip the largest and heaviest bowl I have.

And yes those spouts are so annoying to clean! Not to mention that I'vehad 2 (different brands) seize up on me when in use and the bunnieshave gone without water for a few hours. Lucky for me that I checkspouts 3 times daily to make sure they work.

I have 12 water bowls that I just change out every day. At the end ofthe week, I toss them in the dish washer and it's all clean.

Smelly wrote:
WARNING! If yourrabbitis anything like my Smelly was... well, pickthe bottle.

Smelly would literally take his food bowls and throw them aroundspilling the contents everywhere. Then he'd eat it off theground and wait for me to refill his water (which he'd drink a bit thenspill it everywhere right after).

If 'ere not like Smelly then it's fine Iguess.
[line] Mine does that too....what's upwith that? I'll put more food in the bowl, and he'll just dump it, theneat. So have it your wayI guess.

But mine seems to use the bottle, I'm thinking about switching, but I'm afraid mine will dump the water as he does his food.
Hmmm. Well, I think I'll just get a water bowl,but also a water bottle in case they happen to run out while I'm away.There's almost always someone in the house while I'm away, but there'sno guarentee thatthey will connect an empty water bowl withthe need to be refilled. :?
I use both a water bowl and a bottle. My bunRodney only uses the bowl and has never touched the bottle. Layla forsome reason prefers to usethe bottle, maybe because that'swhat she was used to at her previous home. I notice that sometimes themetal ballcan get stuck inmy bottles, so the waterbowl is good just incase I am out and the bottle isn't working properly.
Kathy wrote:
I'ma germ freak and can't stand to think that the inside of the plasticbottle that my rabbit is drinking from is harboring bacteria. I'veheard that they should be changed every 6 months or so anyway.. butglass for me!
Our waterbottles get cleaned every 1 or 2 days. I empty them out....putin an inch or two of 50/50 vinegar...put the top back on, and shake thedickens out of it so it runs thoughly through the tube and fonts...
rinse,rinse,rinse-ah....refill and return to the buns.

"The acetic acid in vinegar is an effective disinfectant, sanitizer,deodorizer, and cleaner which will cut grease and soap scum, dissolvemineral buildup, and inhibit mold and bacteria growth."
Many commercial rabbit bottles are made of aspecial material that inhibits bacterial growth as well. Although theyshould still be changed and cleaned often, this would put my mind toease a bit. Jim- I love that idea of cleaning the bottles! I reallyneed to invest in some vinegar soon... I'm sure it would be useful forthe hammie and cats, too.


I like these waterers, we use them for our cats but still change them daily. They're made using microban, too.
Jess_sully wrote:
I just now noticed (obviouslly a little late!) that thefirst option says "food bowl". I meant to say "water bowl", but I'msure many people assumed that? :D
I changed it for you. ;)

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