Wash is such a cute boy! He has THE most irrestistable nose. Both my buns have had brown noses, but I love how white noses are all pink:inlove: It looks like you got your camera figured out, not as many "fuzzy" pictures. I love the ones of his nose. Rory hasn't experienced snow yet, I suppose I could have brought him outside a couple weeks ago when it was in the 20s, but today it's 40 below! Tomorrow night I'm going to bring a container of snow in for him to play in. Have you done that with Wash yet?
Are you going to be able to get him a friend? I'm looking forward to getting Ror a friend, too. Paul and I really like mini rexes, but it does seem like I've read in several places that rexes are harder to bond. Especially girls, like someone else mentioned :? How many bunnies does Karan have? Many girls? I will most likely adopt our new bunny from her rescue, one in Wasilla or the Fairbanks shelter that Rory came from if the right bunny comes in.
Also, what exactly do you use to support the levels in his cage? I'm planning how to make Rory's great big cage and want to have two levels in addition to the floor. I want to make a cage just like Sophie and Apollo's cage.