Walmart's NIC cubes... Is this correct?

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Pet_Bunny wrote:
Bassetluv wrote:
Would anyone know if Walmart in Canada sells these?
I don't know for sure.

I bought mine from London Drugs when they had a sale on. Buy one get one free.
Then Costco had a good price, and they came in different colours.

Rainbows! :)
Oh, thanks Pet_Bunny... I never even thought of Costco. I don't think we have London Drugs here, but there's a Costco in town. I'll ask my sister to check it out sometime for me (I let my membership there expire a couple of years ago).

MyBoyHarper wrote:
Back! I bought 4 boxes of the black grids for $12.99 each. I'm working on his cage now, how exciting! I also bought the dowel rods and some tie straps. Wheeee!
Hey, you'll have to take pics when the cage is finished and post them here! I know what you is exciting to create a custom-made home for your bunnies, isn't it? :)
Hi, yes Wal Mart Canada sells them for about $20.00. It's just not fair that you Americans get everything cheaper.:tantrum:LOL Maybe I will have to talk my hubby into moving to the States.

Be careful with the NIC cubes though, the ones they sell now are vinyl coated, our little Daisy Mae chewed the heck out of them.

Bassetluv-Well how lucky are you!!?? :D Hubby and I were out shopping on Monday night pricing Cubes!!:D

We got our original pack at Walmart (yes, they have them in the hardware dept. they aren't listed online!) There were 13 panels in a box for $ Soooska mentioned in another post they have a thicker coating on them that the bunns can chew though! It makes a mess of the bars! The only colours our Walmart had were white, light blue and dark blue!

We looked at Costco as well...and they have the best deal! 30 panels for $19.99 and the coating is much thinner and harderso the bunns can't make a mess!:D They have blue, black, white, silverand multi-colour!

We are going back to Costco this weekend to get a couple packs to build an NIC condo for the new bunn we are picking up on the 23rd! So he has a lot of room to move around!:bunnydance:
Hey, thank you both, Soooska and Runestonez! Now I know where I will be shopping for cubes this fall... ;) You certainly can't beat those prices for bunny housing - and for the multitude of designs that can be created with them too. (I think that will be the funnest part...creating a design...:D)

Runestonez...can't wait to see pics of your new bunny and his new home!

I've looked at the ones at Wal-Mart here, but I didn't like them. I got mine at Extra Foods (Or the SuperStore) for $19.99 for 18.
Here's his cage so far. However, I am going to have to partially take it apart when we move. I just assembled it tonight to get a general idea. I'm thinking when I re-do it, I might remove the clamps altogether, and use straight twist ties. Those clamps are getting on my nerves!


And for some reason, the cage looks smaller in the picture than it really is. Trust me, it's huge!

Anyhoo, I'm getting a little stressed messing with it tonight, so I better head to bed and take a break, LOL.
Myboy harper...that condo is toooo cool :D!!!!!!!!!!!!..if I did NIC cubes I'd have to redo my whole bunny room (for five) but with the height they would have so much fun :D
MyBoyHarper, I totally agree with you regarding the clamps. When we made our cages we din NOT use them. The cage was little flimsy at first, but once we got it all assembled and used the dowls it would hold an OX, it's that strong.

That cage looks great so far! Harper is going to be one lucky little man! I read somewhere that the clamps break off easily, too... but I'm not sure if that's true, so don't quote me on it :)
Well, I used the clamps, and then reinforced them with the tie straps. Seems sturdy so far, even though all the tie straps aren't on it yet.

I'm just testing it out, I'll have to take it down this weekend to move it to our new place. I just put it together to get a general idea.

I went and bought a huge sheet of countertop. It's the flimsy wood/plastic sheet that's glued to counter tops in mobile homes. I got it for $4. I'm going to buy a large sheet of plywood, and staple the countertop sheet to the plywood. Then, I am going to tie-strap the wood to the bottom of the cage. Then, I bought 4 rollers, 1 for each corner. This way, he'll have a base on rollers.

Sounds good so far, however, I think I'm going to have my work cut out for me, LOL.

Well, I better go finish packing, UGH!

I did the samething i used the clamps and zip ties, its stood up to my dogs powerful tail :Dlet me tell you he can leave marks with that thing lol. I'm thinking about going to get another box tonight and adding on for the pigs, i just gotta find some colorpast or something else that would work.
The connectors can be a pain in the butt, but I think they are much sturdier.

I started out using just zip ties, and it just felt like it might fall apart. Mr. Tumnus does a lot of hopping around, and the connectors seemed secure. I think zip ties are better for transporting though.

I also supported my second level with a dowel rod and those shelf-supporters that dawn recommended. works great!

That cage is huge MBH!!! You can tell when you compare it to the door :) Great work so far.

Well, I went to the Habitat retail store and the thrift store, and came home with piles of supplies. We'll be moving Harper's cage to the new place tomorrow.

Anyhoo, I found a box of brand new peel-and-stick linoleum tiles for 39 cents a tile at the thrift store. So, I bought them all (about 12 of them) so line the shelves of his cage. I also bought a couple stone/marble tiles for him to lay on when they get nice and cool for the summertime. (I'm in Louisiana, all the time is summertime).

I also bought some carpet remnants to line the upper shelf with. Harper doesn't chew carpet, he just scratches at it. The carpet I got is the office type carpet, the kind that is woven real low to the ground, not the fluffy stuff.

I also bought some odd and end things like shower curtain hooks (the round ones), and attached them together to make hanging toys.

There's going to be a total of 3 doors on the cage, one for each level. The bottom door will be even to the floor, the second level will have his steps leading from it, and then the third door on the top level for me grabbing him out if I need to get to him for any reason.

I can't wait until it's completely finished. I wanted to make it bigger, and still may be able to. I'll have to see when I get over there.

Right now, it is 4 grids wide, by 2 grids deep, by 4 grids high. I would like to make it 3 grids deep, so he'll have even more room to romp. However, they may have to wait till the distant future. Anyhoo, I'm sure he'll be happy with this as soon as it's done!


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