I'm so sorry that i couldn't update sooner.....it's the end of school holidays here and i had my mum here for a daywho i don't get to see very often..shecame down to pick up Jeremy because he's staying there for a couple of days.
Wally is doing much better thank goodness... i was really worrying about him....none of my other bunnies had been like that before and not for that long
WellWednesdaymorning i offered Wally a bit of carrot....he ate 1/4 of it!!...i was so happy(gosh i get so excited when i start to see a bunny eating again...i'm sure the vet must think i'm such a weirdo lol)...he also ate a tiny bit of hay but still no pellets..i thought well at least he ate something that was a decent size not just a tiny nibble....and he was seeing the Dr again to get some xrays.
I have been keeping him near me so i can keep more of an eye on him....he was sitting in the kitchen on his blanket....and i was filling up the pellet bin with pellets and a few dropped on the floor...Wally came over and ate them :shock:.....he has not come to me since friday night....he wouldn't even sit with the other bunnies....him and Riley are really good buddies and Riley would always go up and snuggle with Wally.
So i offered him more but he didn't want any..and just went back to his blanket,i put him back with the others later that evening and i gave them their pellets and Wally joined in with them and ate a whole lot of pellets...i was just very surprised and happy....he's been back to eating since then...and he's back to running to me again.
I still don't know what his problem could have been...i'm still thinking the plasterboard....if it was his teeth he wouldn't start eating like he is again i wouldn't imagine but i don't know..but still i think iwill take him back to get those xrays done just to be sure though....when i called the vet to let them know that he's started eating a bit again..they told me just tosee how he goes...but if i still have any worries than to bring him back.
We haveonlyjust gotten Critical Care imported here...but only selected vets have it...mine don't have it....but i did try to make a pellet slurry but i gave up trying to get it through the syringe,i could only squeeze the water out of it lol...i had a big syringe to but i don't know it just wouldn't work for me...but i tried syringing him some baby food...he wasn't very happy about that.
But all is good now...and i hope it stays that way...oh and when i went to make that appoitment with Dr Lee,the girl says oh he won't be in until next Wednesday..i was told wrong before! ugh!....i still want to talk with him
Thanks for all the advice guys...it's so much appreciated