Wally isn't to well

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Cheryl, I'd still ask for an xray of his head. Loki didn't try to eat when his mouth hurt, he would just look interested in a treat and sniff it, then turn away. He didn't even try to mouth it or anything, not even soft stuff like raisins. Also, Loki's molars didn't look that bad on inspection but the real trouble was found in the xrays- his molar roots are getting too long and probably causing pain in his jaw. Grinding hismolars down left more space in his mouth and probably reduced some of the pressure his roots were putting on his mouth.

Oh, and Loki is a great hay eater too. Before he got sick he would go through a pile of hay at least as big as he was every day! So you can't really tell from that whether a bun will have dental problems.
Cheryl, I'm so sorry your not gettinga diagnosis of your problem.. Just as a thought, have you tried putting into a blender his favorite food with some water to make it into the "slurry mixture and then eye dropping it to him?

I've been meaning to drop off a stool sample for my bun and will do so tomorrow and ask them what they think might help maybewith your situation. He's/they are mainly Bun/exotic animalVet so I think he's pretty good.

Wishing you the best and sending you strength/sleep and good vibes..
I'm so sorry that i couldn't update sooner.....it's the end of school holidays here and i had my mum here for a daywho i don't get to see very often..shecame down to pick up Jeremy because he's staying there for a couple of days.

Wally is doing much better thank goodness... i was really worrying about him....none of my other bunnies had been like that before and not for that long

WellWednesdaymorning i offered Wally a bit of carrot....he ate 1/4 of it!!...i was so happy(gosh i get so excited when i start to see a bunny eating again...i'm sure the vet must think i'm such a weirdo lol)...he also ate a tiny bit of hay but still no pellets..i thought well at least he ate something that was a decent size not just a tiny nibble....and he was seeing the Dr again to get some xrays.

I have been keeping him near me so i can keep more of an eye on him....he was sitting in the kitchen on his blanket....and i was filling up the pellet bin with pellets and a few dropped on the floor...Wally came over and ate them :shock:.....he has not come to me since friday night....he wouldn't even sit with the other bunnies....him and Riley are really good buddies and Riley would always go up and snuggle with Wally.

So i offered him more but he didn't want any..and just went back to his blanket,i put him back with the others later that evening and i gave them their pellets and Wally joined in with them and ate a whole lot of pellets...i was just very surprised and happy....he's been back to eating since then...and he's back to running to me again.

I still don't know what his problem could have been...i'm still thinking the plasterboard....if it was his teeth he wouldn't start eating like he is again i wouldn't imagine but i don't know..but still i think iwill take him back to get those xrays done just to be sure though....when i called the vet to let them know that he's started eating a bit again..they told me just tosee how he goes...but if i still have any worries than to bring him back.

We haveonlyjust gotten Critical Care imported here...but only selected vets have it...mine don't have it....but i did try to make a pellet slurry but i gave up trying to get it through the syringe,i could only squeeze the water out of it lol...i had a big syringe to but i don't know it just wouldn't work for me...but i tried syringing him some baby food...he wasn't very happy about that.

But all is good now...and i hope it stays that way...oh and when i went to make that appoitment with Dr Lee,the girl says oh he won't be in until next Wednesday..i was told wrong before! ugh!....i still want to talk with him

Thanks for all the advice guys...it's so much appreciated :)
Yay for Wally! It must have finally passed through his system.. A final checkup w/the Vet you like I think sounds good too (I'd do it just for my own peace of mind)..

Glad you do not have to stress over the little guy; and it sounds like you should try to get your "mitts" on some critical care (as should I now thinking about it).

If you have a hard time finding it there, I can ship some from here (my company ships to Australia all of the time), so let me know - happy to assist bun slaves abroad (just doing my part as an American Citzen to strength/repair our foreign relations).. :biggrin2:
Thankyou JulieW...you are to kind....yep i'm definitely still taking him to the vet to get a thorough checkup with Dr Lee...i don't want tosee the Dr that Wally saw last Saturday...i'm still not really sure what was wrong with him..the injection that Dr Rod gave Wally should have helped things along quicker but it didn't really help much which was weird because my other bunnies that have had to have that injection always felt better by the next day...but Wally was still the same...it finally took him until Wednesday to finally start eating properly again....and it's just a relief and it feels like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders because i do nothing but worry when i have an unwell bunny.

I will let you know what the Dr says about the critical care

Thanks for asking :)

Wally is doing so much better now....he's back to running to me again and i just cannot tell you how happy that makes me...his appetite is back to normal,but i'm still finding the whole ordeal weird and i just wish i had some answers though.... it was a very worrying 5 days.. his ears are back to being helicopter ears where as beforehe just had them down...ihave never been through that with any of my other bunnies before....he's still scheduled to see Dr Lee this week...so i will update things again then.
I'm glad he's doing better but I'm also glad he'll be seeing the doctor again too....I have been meaning to ask how he was doing (or at least check the thread - but I've been so busy).

aww glad to see hes doing better! I know how hard it can be when there not well... you just want to hold them and make them better somehow. definetly let us know how his checkup goes. maybe you can prevent it so there wont be a repeat!

Thanks James...and yeah i just hate it when they're not well..i hate seeing that sadness in their eyes...and it's even harder for me because it's just so hard to find a good rabbit savvy vet here who knows a lot about bunnies....i have been to so many different vets here and they are all basically the same...the best i have come across is Dr Lee.

Just to go of track a bit...when my Pippi boy was alive and he was having such health problems because of EC...he was seeing Dr Lee...but there were some things that he couldn't understand what was happening to him....so i went to the Australian Companionrabbit listand asked there if anyone knew a good rabbit savvy vet in Adelaide...i got many replies about this exotics vet..but he had retired a few months before!!

Now if i lived in Melbourne i would have it made because they have a few very good rabbit vets over there..one in particular just sees bunnies and no other animal...Melbourne is amuch bigger citythan Adelaide though..South Australiais only tiny compared to all the other states of Australia....and sometimes it just sucks wheni just want to do the right thing by my bunnies.

But the vets that i have seen over time have all been really nice though and they do what they can.

Ok i just had to get that out...because it can be quite frustrating

And yep i will definitely update about Wally

I can totally understand the frustration you have with your vets, Cheryl. I went through the same thing when I moved to Florida; I just couldn't find a good exotic specialist within 60 miles of my house. I wish more vets would take the initiative to get the extra training needed to serve the needs of rabbits.

I did finally luck out and find a rabbit-savvy vet that I just LOVE about 15 miles away. Dr. Emerson is so awesome that she gives rescue rabbits that I sponsor spays for $45 (which includes pain meds).
Oh Patti...i cannot tell you how many vets i have seen over time...and yes i think they should all do more training on rabbit care...just so they can also be prepared for that person who brings in a bunny....when i took Wally in last saturday to see Dr Rod,he was wonderful but he was also very honest and said to me 'a lot of veterinarians don't have a great knowledge on rabbits'...i said 'not meaning to be rude or anything but i really know that'..he was such a nice Dr....actually i have not come across a vet i haven't liked yet..except for one who wanted me to put my Pippi to sleep without trying anything to help him first...the only problem i have is that they are not that knowledgeable....and i really worry when one of my bunnies are not well.

Also i remember you saying that your vet does that for your rescue bunnies...she sounds really awesome...and you are so lucky to have such a fabulous vet like her :)

Well i just got back from seeing Dr Lee...Wally's teeth are fine..i did worry there for a while about his teeth because it took him a little while to get back to eating his pellets like normal....and everything else is fine...i told him about Wally chewing the wall which is plasterboard...and he said that that was most probably the cause,and it was probably just irritating his intestinesbut without an xray done it is a bit hard to say...he said that if he had seen Wally that dayhe would have advised an xray...but he's healthy now so there are no more worries.

I also asked him about the critical care...Dr Lee was saying that to introduce something new at a time when a bunny isn't well could make matters worse but it could be fine also...but he said that he can order it in if i still want to....i said ok...but i'm just not sure now...so i will still get it but i just don't know what to do...i just don't want to harm my bunnies in any way.

Another thing...the day Wally was sick and he went to the vet which was the 19th and on a saturday and that was the day i was supposed to go to my orientation meeting at the Animal Welfare League so i could start volunteering...i now have to wait until July sometime now...because you are not allowed to volunteer until you go to the 4 hour meeting.


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