TinysMom wrote:
No name ideas but wow....she must really like you.
Yes its a curse I have with women, I am just irresistible.
This is Elkhart County's Fair week, started July 22nd and ends July 30th. This is the hottest fair weather we've had in a long time. Well Saturday night was mysleep over with the 4-H rabbits in the barn. Not one of my best nights, the fairs wi-fi was putting out a very low signal, so the internet was out, I didn't bring anything to read, too hot and humid to sleep, so I started checking on the 600+ rabbits.
I filled a lot of water bottles and bowls this morning/last night. I always check water bottles and bowls when I spend the night and with this weather its a must. I came across three rabbits who's water dishes were completely empty. For how long I don't know, but when I filled their bowls they were all taking big drinks of the cool well water.
Its all a blur, I got a couple of hours sleep but not enough.
Well the lost bun that my daughter and I rescued now has a name, she is going to be called Hope. I came up with the name last night while I was in the bunny barn. With nothing to do but listen to the rabbits and the poultry in the next barn, I got to thinking about possible names.
I decided on Hope because she had none, abandon by the people she thought loved her and were going to care for her. Then I thought about the Hopeshe now has, hope of a much better life then she had before. She now has people that love her, have given her a safe place to live, plenty of food, water, hay and treats.
The 4-H leader that sent out the email asking if someone could help this lady that spotted Hope told me she was glad I went and looked for her and brought her home. She said if you hadn't I would have and I would be the one with the new bunny. Like me it made her mad that someone just let her go out in the woods without a thought, treating Hope just like trash.