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It has been a crazy week, at work and home. I am glad its Friday, I need a couple of days of rest, well as much rest as one can get at home with a large to do list.

Miss Daisy has been doing her part to help. Evidently the main bathroom does meet her standards. She has been "helping" clean it every opportunity she gets. Today she went behind the toilet and found some things that had fallen there the other day. Daisy very nicely pushed them all into the center of the bathroom. What would I do without her.

Jenny on the other hand is doing her best to untidy the bunny room at every opportunity. I bought a very deep litter box for the bunny room for the bunny's to use when they are out, well some of them use it.

She discovered that she can still get the litter out of the box, it just takes more effort.

Mr. Handsome is also doing his part to mess up the bunny room. Evidently, the hay in Rudy's hay rack should all be on the floor, then kicked around the room.

I tried the other night to get Titan to come out of his cage for some run time. He would not come out, I always let him out on cage cleaning nights. This was not a cage cleaning night, so in his bunny logic, no cage cleaning meant to him, not my night to be out.

I am not trying to pat myself on the back, I did not wait till late Saturday afternoon to go and getmy wonderful wife a mothers day card and gift. I got Karen's mothers day present already!
Sounds like you have the most helpful kids in the world, for better or worse... ;)

What a good man!! You are so thoughtful! Just don't forget where you hid the present now or else all of your early-purchase-points will be taken away. :shock:
Trying my hand today at dehydrating grapes for the buns. I have banana's down pretty good, no complaints from the herd on those.

Just watched a "B" type movie called "Night of the Lepus" on Turner Classic Movie channel. Mutant carnivours giant rabbits attack people, horses etc., scientist saves the day kind of flick If you want to see a whole bunch of Flemish Giants thats the movie to see.
Happy Mothers day to moms of the fuzzy four legged kind and those of the two legged ones.

I went into the bunny room late this morning to care for the bunny's. Standard routine, I let Daisy out, she went into the bathroom and did her routine inspection and cleanup. I filled water bottles and put Daisy back into her cage. I then per routine opened Jessy's cage so she can come out.

Jessy did not come out, she came to the cage door, but she would not come out to see me. I tried talking to her and she gave me the dreaded bunny back! She then went to the back of her cage and continued to give me the bunny back.

Hopefully, I can get back in her favor when I give her some raisins I made in the dehydrator yesterday/this morning. Elops can hold a grudge, so I don't know if she will forgive me anytime soon.

Well its time to go see my mom and then over to my mother in laws. My mother in law is going to fry up some morel mushrooms and make some of her very delicious beef and noodle's. Many people joke about how bad their mother in laws are, but I can honestly say I have a very nice one.
Oh no! Not the dreaded bunny back!

My MIL is evil, it's no joke either. I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day!
I clean rabbit cages every other night. I came home from work today and couldn't figure out why the house smelled like the cages needed to be cleaned. I was thinking to myself, I just cleaned them yesterday.

Well I was walking back to the bunny room to put Pudge back into her house, when I noticed the empty feed bag I used was still in the hallway and open! So I took it out to the trash and came back in and the house smelled amazingly better. Go figure.
Tonight after our Sunday movie night, watched Easy A, Karen and I clipped some overdue bunny nails. The bunny's we did were cooperative and gave us no problems. My wife's bunny Dutchess showed her disapproval by peeing all over me.

After I cleaned bunny cages I forgot to latch Mr. Handsome's. I went back into the bunny room to find he had made a huge mess. I think its time to go to bed.
Oh my! Michiko did that before we totally cleaned out the room and re-did the cage. Bunnies can be such terrors.

Sweet dreams, Dave!
Well I let Rudy, french lop, out all day in the bunny room. Just as I left the bunny room he came out of his cage this morning and did a big binkie. Tonight while gathering water bottles I discovered he had not used the big litter box in the room but peed just outside of it. Grrr.

Last weekend I tried my hand a home made raisins in my dehydrator. They came out amazingly well. I had no complaints from the herd, they all approved.

I just realized I need to post some pictures of the herd, so that will be my project for the next few weeks.
Here's the first, this was taken about a week ago. Pardon the mess it was cage cleaning night.

Titan and Tiny are good with each other when they are out.


Thank you.

Well the idea tonight was to remove the mower blades off of the tractor and get them sharpened. What happed was both blades are on still on the mower deck, I have sore shoulders from trying to get them off and a blood blister on my left hand.

So I decided to spend some time with my elops and get them some pets and run time. Daisy was out for a while got her beloved ear rubs and pets and went back into her cage. I let Jenny out and she loves to just sit and soak up all the pets your willing to dish out. Petting a bunny is very relaxing and I fell asleep petting her. When Iwoke up I had a bunny staring back at me with myhand on her.

This morning there was a thumpfest going on in the bunny room at 4am. I think they were getting messages from bunny friends and replying. My herd can make quite a racket when they are all thumping.

Last night I ran out of banana chips! I thought I was going to have a bunny riot. The herd had to go to bed without their nightly fix.

So last night I had to go out and get a part for the lawn mower, on my way back I stopped at the grocery store and got some banana's. This morning after I took care of the herd, I sliced them up and put them in the food dehydrator. I filled all four trays up, so in a few minutes I should have lots of home made banana chips for the herd.

You know the idea that you eat before you go to the store?The plan this morningwas to stop at Walmart and get my Mountain Dew. I don't drink coffee or tea so this is how I get my caffeine. Forty dollars later later, 2 bags of bagels, cookies, donuts, mountain dew later we left. We got a few other things too, but the junk food we didn't need. Its hard to keep these wash board abs ;) by eating junk food!

I was finally able to mow the backyard today. It started to sprinkle while I was fixing the push mower and I was mad at myself for not mowing before we ran errands. God was kind and kept it a sprinkle for the 2 hours I mowed. I have a riding lawn mower for the backyard, its rather big. I had the mower deck at its highest setting and the grass was so tall it still bogged it down. Afterwards I had to use the sweeper behind the tractor to get all the grass off the yard. I could have bailed it!

Well its time to check on the banana chips.


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