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I did some rearranging and put Oreo as Nibbles new roomie.Nibbles immediately stuck her head through the bars waiting for Oreo to groom her. Oreo is a pretty laid back bun like Nibbles so I think it will be a good pairing.

A few of the buns, Daisy, Pudge, Oreo and Houdini's former cage needed very thorough cleanings today. I knew this little undertaking would take more then the usual cage cleaning time. I thought I would never get it done. Determined bunny's can be very messy.

Having every single cage filled then having a couple empty is a strange site to see for me.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Thank You

I did some rearranging and put Oreo as Nibbles new roomie.  Nibbles immediately stuck her head through the bars waiting for Oreo to groom her.  Oreo is a pretty laid back bun like Nibbles so I think it will be a good pairing.

A few of the buns, Daisy, Pudge, Oreo and Houdini's former cage needed very thorough cleanings today.  I knew this little undertaking would take more then the usual cage cleaning time.  I thought I would never get it done.  Determined bunny's can be very messy.

Having every single cage filled then having a couple empty is a strange site to see for me. 

It kinda hurts a little.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:

Now this is a fluffy bunny!! How cute!!!! How are all your "kids"? I hope they're all ok!
Thank You

I have to relate a story about our not too bright but lovable, protective and loyal dog Charlie. Last night I was walking into the living room and saw Charlie virtually standing on his head going around in circles to scratch his head.

Daisy has ever refined her escape from the bunny room. Usually she stands by the gate and simply leaps over it. Lately she has gone and sat by the gate and then speed binkies across the room, makes a sudden turn, then speed binkies back across the room and over the gate, then down the hallway.

Nibbles and her knew roomie are still fighting occasionally. I plan on taking them for a ride together on Saturday. Hopefully this will help them bond some.
:) I pictured Daisy's escape while reading your post. :D She practised her own stunt ! Little gymnastic girl :thumbup

Good luck on bonding new pair. How's Nibbles doing ? I hope she feels better now.
Daisy has ever refined her escape from the bunny room. Usually she stands by the gate and simply leaps over it. Lately she has gone and sat by the gate and then speed binkies across the room, makes a sudden turn, then speed binkies back across the room and over the gate, then down the hallway.

You have got to get a picture of her someday, in mid-sail over that gate! Watching an e-lop in person while they binkie and fly around a room is so entertaining, but to catch an e-lop in mid-flight when they are soaring would be hilarious! Those ears just tend to go everywhere! And Miss Daisy sports two of the loverliest lop ears I've seen. Yof's ears are long too, but Daisy's certainly got him beat in that department. ;)

Nibbles and her knew roomie are still fighting occasionally. I plan on taking them for a ride together on Saturday. Hopefully this will help them bond some.

A bit embarrassed to admit, but since I don't have a car, I wound up "broom-bonding" Yofi and Anna. When Anna first saw Yofi she almost turned into the blood-thirsty Monty Python bunny...she wanted nothing to do with him, and would plow her body full-force into him - and give him a healthy chomp in the rear end at the same time. So I became referee, and every time Anna would flatten her ears and make a move for the Yofster, I'd announce loudly, "Anna, NO!" and at the same time would plop the broom down in front of her as she charged. It didn't take too long for her to realize that if she lunged at him, she got blocked (and chastised). I don't know if that sort of thing would work with Oreo and Nibbles (I had an entire room to do this in, with just the two of them), but it seems to work. Well, it did for Anna anyway (although she really is just a marshmallow at heart, maybe her hostile behaviour was all show).

At any rate, I suspect you'll not have too many problems with your two, as they sound sweet and quite 'bondable'. :biggrin:

Oh, and LOL @ Charlie! btw, does he have fleas? Kaya seems to have suddenly exploded with them - it's that time of year....
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Daisy has ever refined her escape from the bunny room. Usually she stands by the gate and simply leaps over it. Lately she has gone and sat by the gate and then speed binkies across the room, makes a sudden turn, then speed binkies back across the room and over the gate, then down the hallway.
The pre-jump binkies are the warm-up lap, and the binkies down the hallway are the victory lap. :) I think those ears are giving her a little lift for takeoff! ;)
She's a smart bunny, like baseball, she likes to throw a change up pitch at me.

Well Yofi, here are some pictures just for you from Miss Daisy Mae.






Here is a picture of Miss Moo Moo


One of Miss Pudge, trying to hide from me.


I had take over 12 pictures of Mr. HB, 5 month old black flemmie buck, but my Nikon Coolpix just wasn't fast enough to get still pictures of him. They all turned out blurry, he would move just as the shutter clicked.
They're so adorable ! I agree with you about trying to capture some photos of bunnies. That's why I have to wait for my husband to do it. I can't just move that quick :p hehe. I like Miss pudge's color, so pretty :)

~YOFI :biggrin:

(Miss Daisy has the most wonderful profile; very elegant, streamlined face. No wonder she's a D.I.V.A.! -- Yofi's mom ;))

Oh, and Miss Moo Moo and Miss Pudge are so cute in those pics!

This morning as I do every morning I let Daisy out while I collect water bottles and go to fill them. Just as I finished and was stepping out of the bathroom, she jumped over the gate. She had this look on her face of "what?" and when I took one step towards her, she turned around and looked over her shoulderwith the "ok you caught me put me on the other side of the gate!" expression on her face.

After Skippery passed on, I moved Oreo in with Nibbles. Oreo was always right across from Pudge in her line of sight. Now instead of seeing Oreo, she is looking intoOreo's empty cage. Since the move Pudge hasn't been acting like herself. So tonight I am going to move Mr. HB's cage down one level so Mr. Handsome can be in Pudge's line of sight. Hopefully she will like the change in view and perk up. I mean he is getting big and hansome like his daddy Titan, so what more could a doe want?
I just love how tricky Daisy is ! :D She sounds so adorable. Seems like you have a big rearranging bunnies' cages. All of your buns have lovely names. :)

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