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Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Last night Wabbitmom and I went out for our very romantic night out,McDonald's and shopping at Walmart. Who said romance is dead? I told her she could have anything she wanted, as long as it was off the dollar menu;).

I did remember to get my lovely wife a Mother's day card and had her hint, ok it wasn't a hint as much as it was I wouldn't mind getting something like that,would like for a gift too.
Oh Dave - you guys are so funny. You remind me of when Art & I were first married. We would go to do the laundry and go to the McDonald's next door and each get a hamburger and maybe an order of fries and then we'd split a shake (cause it was sooo expensive!).

Your story also reminds me of a story that Bill & Gloria Gaither tell (the Christian singers/songwriters). It seems like Bill asked Gloria out for a date - their first date - and I forget where he took her - but he didn't know the menu beforehand. So when the waiter comes to take their order he says, "I think I'll just have the cheeseburger. What will you just have?"

Memories are made of stuff like this - aren't they?

I hope Karen enjoys what you got her for Mother's Day. I got the almost very best gift possible a couple of weeks ago - TWO new rabbit cages for the flemmies to grow into, etc.

I know...crazy rabbit lady!

I hope Sweetie blesses y'all with babies on Mother's Day - it could be her way of celebrating!
I've been praying for her to not only have kits - but safe delivery too.

I'm SOOOO excited.
TinysMom wrote:
I've been praying for her to not only have kits - but safe delivery too.

I'm SOOOO excited.

ME TOO!! ME TOO!! :bunnydance:

And so now we might also have litters close to the same age as yours, which could be a good thing, if we get a doe or two from you.
The final count is 3 kits and bellies look full.

I was amazed last night at how quiet the bunny room was. Normally I hear a lot of activity, toys being tossed around, thumps, running around etc.

When I didn't hear anything thats when I went and discovered Sweetie was pulling fur and building her nest. No sound from the other 14 rabbits, it was like they all knew what was happening and were being as quiet as possible while she was giving birth, really amazing. What amazing sensitivity God has givin to these animals.

Sweetie is such a good momma, I have no worries about her litter.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
The final count is 3 kits and bellies look full.
I am so jealous. How is it I get litters of 13 and you get more manageable litters with 3? Sheesh! I need to talk to my girls.

I keep telling them that quantity does not equal quality.

I'm so happy for you and I'm so excited cause I know we'll get LOTS of pictures to watch them grow.

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
The final count is 3 kits and bellies look full.
I am so jealous. How is it I get litters of 13 and you get more manageable litters with 3? Sheesh! I need to talk to my girls.
The water in Texas must be more fertile.
We need to meet somewhere in the middle with some 55 gallon drums of our water and switch.

That way - you can have more babies - and I can have less.

Nyx however is NOT part of the deal. She has to stay behind and watch over the rabbitry (Mercury is volunteering to come along if Sweetie is with you....).

Mercury says he loves ALL the girls...
Here are some pictures of Sweetie and her kits taken tonight.






I'm so jealous - I still have 11 days or so to go before I have more babies - and she looks so much like her daughter Nyx....I am trying to picture Nyx at that age.

However, I really REALLY am happy for you....both of you.

Give Sweetie a nose rub from me - and one from Nyx too. Tell her that she taught her daughter how to be a good mommy. (To the point that Nyx doesn't want me to wean the litter!)
Nose rubs given.

We all know bunny's are very smart animals, some like my Daisy, too smart for their own good.

I was impressed by Sweetie tonight. I opened her cage to give her some lovin and check on the kits. She hopped out and started pulling more fur for her nest. I thought I would leave her out and watch some tv.

When I was done taking my bath I went in to check on her. She had taken one of the puppy training pads I put on the floor, where everyone wants to mark, and taken it inside her cage to cover up the kits. Just a couple of days ago she was shredding them to build her nest. She new they were soft and would make good nesting material. So instead of shredding it she just used the whole thing. Here is a picture of it. The kits are under the pad at the lower left hand of the picture.


Earlier one of the kits let out a big squeal and Auntie Pudge did not like it at all, she thumped the loudest I have ever heard her. All the buns got really quiet while she did these really loud thumps, then Aunt Blueberry chimed in with a couple of thumps also.

I forgot to mention the proud papa Titan. When I clean cages he gets some out time. He did his normal check out the room, shred the phone book thing, but then he went and laid right up against Sweeties cage, they were nose to nose. It was definitely an awww moment.
We didn't get a picture of that tender moment?

Don't you know that now that you have babies - you must live with a camera on your person at ALL times - with fresh batteries and an empty memory card...and ready to snap pictures faster than a speeding bullet?

Well...at least that was what Nyx said you were supposed to do.

We figured you could be slower than a speeding bullet...but not much slower.
I was once told that E-lops are the clowns of the bunny world. Well lets say Daisy always has a surprise for me.

There seems to always be some gnat around the bunny room and I placed a couple of the tacky fly strips in the room. The gnats started showing up in another location closer to the floor. So I placeda strip on a swing arm lamp I use to light up the bunny room.

It was high enough off the floor, I thought, and the tube end that weights it down would be what the bunny's would bump into if anything at all. I am feeding the herd and all of a sudden Daisy is a blur in all directions, finally she runs into her cage and I can take a good look at her.

E-lop curiosity being what it is, she evidently took a close look at the fly-strip, and got it stuck to her side. While she was in panic mode from that and was running around the room she picked up one of the puppy training pads I place on the floor along with every stray bit of hay around.

Once she retreated to her cage I was able to get it off of her minus some fur and just shook my head and chuckled.

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