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*fingerscrossed* your computer troubles are over... life without the internet, where would we be?!? *horrors* :p

Good luck at your show, it's got to be great fun especially when you get away without the kids for a change! LOL
Dave - Nyx says you don't look old enough to be a grandpa...so she wants you to see her pictures since the babies are "light gray"...(maybe it will help age you???? Don't ask me..I'm not a rabbit).



She sends nose rubs to her mama and wants daddy Titan to come beat up Mercury for telling her she wouldn't have more than 3 or 4 babies....
This morning I got up as usual and started to take care of the bunny's. I was in the bathroom filling up water bottles when I heard a commotion. I looked down towards the bunny room and I didn't see anything. I looked in the bunny room and who did I not see Miss Daisy!

I looked where she usually explores and no bunny. I didn't see any long eared blur hop down the hallway, where in the world is she? I ran to the living room and looked, in the dining room no Daisy. I heard some more commotion from the bunny room and it was Daisy. She had gotten on top of Blueberry's cage and into the closet. The racket I heard the second time was her getting on top of Blueberry's cage and out of the closet. That rabbithad me looking in half the house for her. She was probablylaughing the entire time.

Last night was the 4-H rabbit club meeting, it also happened to be the night of some heavy rain. After the general meeting we break up into project groups. Except for the one kid who can't focus and interrupts, it went well.

There was a woman who was selling some of her cages. Always on the lookout for a good deal, I bought one. Karen had been there a few minutes before with the station wagon. The key word being "had", so now I have toget this large cage 23 miles back home in the rain. The trunk of my 1995 cougar is spacious but not that spacious. I am in the rain, setting this cage on the ground, trying to open the trunk of my car. Finally the trunk opens up and I set the cage inside.

Like I suspected couldn't get the whole bottom in the trunk. Now at this point I am hoping that I have rope, bungie cords, anything to keep the cage in the trunk on my long journey home. I am not under a street light, so I can't really see inside the trunk. Finally I remember my very tiny flashlight on my key chain, with the aid of this LED wonder I locate some rope.

Now I have rope, a tiny flashlight and yes its still raining. I am holding the little illuminating wonder with one hand trying to thread the rope through a open spot in the trunk with my other. Finally after much effort I have the cage secured inside the trunk. So I drive home and the rain is getting coming down harder and harder. After less then relaxing drive home I arrive.

So I run my meeting stuff inside and it is still raining hard. Same process as before only in reverse. It took not quite as long as before but I got just as wet, at least I could skip my shower.
What Dave forgot to mention is, I had 5 bags of groceries in the trunk, including some frozen items that I wanted to stay frozen.

So, I get home in the pouring rain, and the first (paper) bag I pull out of the station wagon had apparently been sitting in a previously unnoticed puddle of water. I got about a foot away from the vehicle, and WHAM!....a 32 ounce jar of spaghetti sauce hits the sidewalk, along with 2 bags of noodles, a box of salt, a bag of vegetables, and a 2nd jar of sauce, compliments of the bag which had been sitting in water, and now has a largehole in the bottom of it.

And you know what happens when glass hits concrete. Yeah.

And it's POURING rain....like, running off my nose, my hair looks like I just got out of the shower, the whole effect. So I stand there, in the dark, in the pouring rain, trying to decide whether I want to even try to clean up glass and spaghetti sauce when I can't even see.

I decided against it.

And then I got to retrieve the other items off the side walk,and carry the other 4 bags into the house, trying not to experience Broken Grocery Bag,Episode II.

While my two teen agers were too busy to notice I needed help. :X

And while I'm rinsing the other jar of sauce and the bag of vegetables, and dripping water all over my kitchen floor from my wet clothes, shoes, and hair, the 18 year old wonders out loud, "Why is this bag of noodles all muddy?"

Somehow, when Dave arrives home 5 minutes later, I wasn't as sympathetic about his adventure putting the rabbit cage into the car...as he hoped I would be.

Spaghetti sauce looks a little like blood on the sidewalk, when you see it in the daylight.
Ok, I know I am special, I mean people tell me that all the time and roll their eyes I don't know why but anyway.

For the last two weeks I have not had any energy, not sleeping well, I would sleep all day practically on the weekends and still be tired. So I finally made an appointment with the doctor today. He tells me he has had some patients come in with similiar symptoms. Turns out that I have a special bacteria in my longs that develops a little but not to the point of pneumonia, just zaps the energy out of you.

Now, I tell you that to tell you this, there is a rabbit show Saturday. I really want to go but I am so tired I would like to stay home and rest, but I really want to go. I don't know what I should do. I guess when the alarm goes off at 430am I will make my decision then.
Well I did not go to the rabbit show. Karen got up and found me sleeping on the couch, she told me thats the best she has seen me sleep in two weeks. So she decided we would skip the show and Iwas to rest this weekend. Very thoughtful woman I married, I was disappointed we didn't go, but like she said 3 hours in the car, rabbit show all day, then the drive back wouldn't have done too much for my healing.

The buns are doing well, except Carmel sneezed a couple of times yesterday. I don't know if it was from the dust I may have stirred up while cleaning cages or if he really has something. Examined him and didn't see anything around his nose except for some really fuzzy fur.

Well the rest of the family is still sleeping, they stayed up too late because of the time change, I fell asleep well before they decided to even think about going to bed. So I am trying to get some cleaning done, going to straighten up the kitchen so Karen doesn't have any excuse for not making me Beef and Noodles!
Gosh Dave..i really hope you do feel better soon,it was a very good idea that you didn't go to that rabbit show as by the sounds of it...it would have made you so exhausted i'm sure.

Glad to hear all the bunnies are doing well
This weekend there is a rabbit show much closer then last week and I am feeling much better so Karen and I will be going. Hope to find a black flemmie doe, be easier to findchickens teeth I think, but heres hoping.

Once again too early for my son and my daughter is going to a dance at her friends high school. Karen and I gave her some money for a dress and shoes last weekend. She stayed overnight at her friends, her friends mother took them dress shopping and they shopped till they dropped. So with all that said she will not be going because we will not get home in time.

Daisy has been a little stinker lately. She has discovered that she can hop over the barrier I have set up to prevent buns from going behind some cages. Twice this week she has hopped over the barrier and gotten behind Sweeties cage. Then miss stinker bun refuses to come out. I wouldn't mind so much but she has been doing this when I need to leave the room and get ready for work.

She has also been jumping on top of Blueberry's cage and getting into the closet. Again when I need to leave the room and get ready for work.

:rant:To change gears here, I grateful that I have a job and have been getting an extra hour a night (at a much lower pay scale). However, I really hate my job and I am seriously developing an attitude. My attitude I think is starting to show a little. Since I have worked there, I have not complained about any duties or anything they asked me to do. It is really irritating to listen to one of the VP's tell us how much better we are doing then last year and how much business has increased (btw I work for company that makes lights for the RV industry), that they are hiring addition production workers etc. Then hear no discussion about raises, I haven't had one in 5 or 6 years, so long ago I can't remember. I spend most of my day working in the warehouse, I am still taking care of PC/network issues, photographing new product, making spec sheets for product, basically the job I was doing before the slow down. I was told this would be temporary, but it will be two years this fall. I would look for another job but there are none.

Ok I am done.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Daisy has been a little stinker lately.  She has discovered that she can hop over the  barrier I have set up to prevent buns from going behind some cages.  Twice this week she has hopped over the barrier and gotten behind Sweeties cage.  Then miss stinker bun refuses to come out. 

roxy would wish to remind me of the times when she escapes into 'our' half of the bunnery shed. oh the fun trying to extricate a small bunny from behind the tangle of 4 bicycles and assorted power tools within nibbling range:)

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