Wabbitdads Wabbit Herd 2009

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Last night, when I got home I was talking to Karen (Wabbitmom) and in the five minutes we talked the temperature dropped 2 degrees to -5F. I decided to check the wood supply by the wood burner and discovered that was about empty. So I loaded it up with what was on the patio and after doing that I had to go out to the wood pile at the end of my acre lot and get some more. A acre is a lot longer when your freezing!

Once back in the house and grabbing my inhaler I went and cleaned bunny cages. Ms Skippery (black lionhead) enjoyed her time out as did Blueberry (mini-rex). Although I think Skippery enjoyed it less when Blueberry ran by and peed on her. Rudy had fun also, he came down the hallway and I discovered him tasting one of my work shirts I had tossed on the floor.

Later on, while watching CSI, Wabbitmom was holding Baby (Himalayan Nethie) and giving her a belly massage. Rabbits may not have the ability to burp, but they do have the ability to pass gas! Baby likes to sit on your shoulders or under your chin. The first thing Karen did was look for Charlie (pointer mix dog, who is a undiscovered natural gas field), he was in the kitchen, he has an alibi. Then Baby passed gas again, Wabbitmom determined that she was the culprit and decided it was time for Baby to go back to her cage.
LOL Poor dog, but I say, poor wabbitmom... gas nearby the head region cannot be a good experience.
Yeah, I always seem to get the *best* (??) from the buns...the wee wee, the poos, the I-bites-you-for-helping-give-me-da-medicine...etc!

I have to admit though, I'd massaging Baby's belly a bit before that, as we thought she might be a little bound up. So a little *pfffbbbt* was probably a good thing, moving out some of that gassy build up....but up by my ear? No thanks you!!

For the first time ever I clipped bunny nails without anyone's help. I got Mr. Carmel (Lionhead) out of his cage, he wasn't very happy about it. He always enjoys his time out, he just doesn't like being picked up.

I managed to clip all his nails without hitting the quick!:woohoo

This morningI woke up at my usual go to work time (during the week I want to stay in bed, go figure!). So I got up anyway had breakfast, took care of the buns, cleaned the kitchen, did a load of laundry, did some work on the pc (had a nasty adware virus).

After I took care of the buns, I left Sweeties cage open (she is a black Flemish) and she came out and hopped around. I picked her up and tranced her, boy was she out! She was completely limp, her big fuzzy feet touching the couch, her big bunny body stretched across my lap and her head tilted back showing her big bunny teeth. I flipped her over and began petting her back and she stayed like that for about a half hour, then she headed back to the bunny room and her house.

By lunch I was ready for a nap. I went and got Rudy (very snugglable bun), laid on the couch started to watch Duke and Maryland play. The game was boring so I dozed off, occasionally woken up by Rudy to start petting him again. Unfortunately I had to get up because the feed store where I get the buns food closes early on Saturday. I had to change the white t-shirt I had on because it had changed to a brown fury t-shirt.

Rudy is a very good boy about using his litter box and has never had an accident in the living room or anywhere else. He decided to hop off the couch and head for his cage and his litter box. I left his cage open, but when I got back he was in the same spot with his eyes half closed.
Poor Charlie got blamed once again for bunny gas!:yuck I was holding Sweetie last night and I kept smelling a stinky almost skunky smell. Charlie was laying infront of me on the floor so I was blaming him. Then he got up and went to his kennel and I was still smelling it. It was Sweetie!:shock:

Once again I need to check to see who is logged in before I post! - Wabbitdad
My left jaw started to feel really sore this past weekend and Monday/Tuesday early morning I woke up in excruiating pain. I finally got to the dentist today and I have a infected tooth, so they can't do anything until the infection is cleared up.

So last night I was feeling extremely miserable, Wabbitmom and my son were watching a tv show that I used to watch but lost interest in it (LOST). I went to the bunny room and got nibbles out of her cage and started to pet her. She decided she would rather explore and started to sniff around. Then she went into a binky explosion! Speed binkies, sideway's, twisty, high jumping binkies etc., she did this for about a half hour. I was in awe!
Infected tooth = OWWWWW!!! I had one several years ago and was in misery for a week before getting to a dentist. I feel for you, wabbitdad...that kind of pain can be excruciating. Once the antibiotics start taking effect the pain will fade (hoping they do so soon for you!)

I had miss Pudge out last night and she was soaking up the nose rubs. Wabbitmom needed some help with photo shop and while I was helping her, Pudge snuggled up to my son on the couch. He as petting the top of her head and she was all stretched out, enjoying every minute of it.

She must have known it was treat time, because she didn't put up a fuss when I put her back into her cage.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
The dentist has me on penicillin for 10 days. He also gave me Vicodin for the pain, which it doesn't seem to be touching!

Oh man! I had the same thing going on last week - I had a root canal break/go bad...... another tooth got infected..... bad dental work from a few years ago.

Ended up having both cut out... on vicodin for a few days ..... now I have to get more work done and get ready for replacements.... implants? partial? bridge? ugh!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
The dentist has me on penicillin for 10 days. He also gave me Vicodin for the pain, which it doesn't seem to be touching!

Oh man! I had the same thing going on last week - I had a root canal break/go bad...... another tooth got infected..... bad dental work from a few years ago.

Ended up having both cut out... on vicodin for a few days ..... now I have to get more work done and get ready for replacements.... implants? partial? bridge? ugh!
Have you been talking to my dentist? Almost the same thing I need to have done.
What happens when you get a blue flemish buck with an attitude in the same room as a blue flemish doe (fully recovered) with an attitude?

You get a rumble! Ding! Ding! Ding!

In this corner a young blue flemish buck Thumper, he thinks he is the boss of the bunnys.


In the other corner you have a recently ill, but now fully recovered blue flemish doe with her attitude back, Velvet! Who know's she is the boss of the herd!


I was cleaning cages last night and as usual I let thumper have his time out to explore, go pee infront of Titan's cage etc. Well I had just finished Velvet's cage, Thumper was out in the middle of the room when Velvet came charging out of her cage and knocked him over.

Well Thumper wasn't about to let this tarnish his manly image so he follows Velvet back into her cage! Wrong thing to do! She chased him out and had a mouth full of blue fur. A couple of times they went at it before I could intervene. Finally I managed to get both of them back into their cages, I checked each one to make sure they didn't hurt each other.

Later that night I was feeding them and when I got to Thumpers cage and opened it up he darted out right for Velvet. When I tried to herd him back into his cage, he showed his displeasure by peeing on my foot! Ah the life of a bunny slave.