Wabbitdads Wabbit Herd 2009

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Blue flemmie baby bunny teeth!


Quick update then I need to go cool down.

The air conditioning (a/c) has been acting up. It was out for two hours today, it was 91F outside and 90F inside. All the ceiling fans were on, a fan on the buns. I was using water bottles filled with ice, thoseplastic things you freeze to put in lunch boxes anything I could find to put in with the buns. I was especially worried about the babies.

The recommendation was to shut it off and let the ice build up on the condensor melt off. It was off for 2 hours, when I came home from work the drain pipe didn't look like it was dripping anymore so I turned it on. Its been dropping 1 degree each hour and its down to 88F now.

I checked on the babies and they were all huddled around the frozen bottle I put in the nesting box. Going to go melt on the couch now, my son Josh is bringing back Dairy Queen blizzards later, yum!
It didn't it stopped again this morning, this time we were lucky and the a/c people were able to come out and look at it. When we called they were super busy and couldn't promise anything.

It has to thaw again then they will be back to replace the refrigerent tonight.
:yes:the air conditioning is fixed! It is cooling down so much faster then yesterday! In just the hour I've been home its already dropped 5F from 92F in the house to 87F now!

I spend most of my day in a warehouse, with the heat I haven't felt like eating, and yesteday and today I've dropped 8 pounds. I've been drinking water like crazy but the heat :yuck.

I just checked on the buns and I have the drapes closed fans on them, water bottles in cages and everyone is strecthed out!

Last night everyone got an extra treat because of having to deal with the heat. I guess they'll get the same deal again.

Yowzers wabbitdad! Poor you and poor buns. Heat can be crazy. I was going to work yesterday morning but had to double back because I forgot to leave the AC on for the bunners. Went to work late but I'd rather not come home to roasted buns. :( The things we do...
The a/c is officially fixed! It has remained all day at a cool 78F, no sticky humidity and cool fresh air flows from the vents. I no longer have disapproving bunny looks from the herd that say "Slave why is our palace so dang hot?, do something immediately!"

Now this has nothing to do with rabbits, but this is Charlie, a not so bright dog, but very loveable dofus, in my son's car. His major redeeming quality is he will not let anyone hurt Karen or the kids. Someone can beat on me and I can yell for help and he will still go after me.


I can't believe I am saying this but, I just had to turn the a/c up! I was getting too cold typing this post!

Last night I was up very late, I don't know why I was totally exhausted. Karen, aka wabbitmom, went in and brought out Velvets blue baby. Forget the ping pong sized belly, were now talking a small melon! All the food this little blue bun is getting, it should be the rabbit that ate Elkhart, Indiana! It kept popping around like a mexican jumping bean in my hand.

I put it on my just up by my neck, it started to settle down and go to sleep, but I was then getting baby bunny farts in my face.:yuck This continued for 10 minutes or so. It had settled down and had gone to sleep, occasional odor would float my way, but not like before!

Sweeties baby's are not able to go in and out of the nest box at will, poor Sweetie, not rest from thekids now!

Velvet is doting on her little one. I have never seen such a fluffy furry nest before. I think she adds more to it everyday. We also get the grunts and charges when we go to pick it up or just to see how its doing.

On Tuesday June 30th, my oldest goes to Air Force basic training, following in his dads footsteps. :D

Well got to go, I need to unload the dishwasher, wash the stuff that can't go in the dishwasher and other fun stuff like that. Since the high today is suppose to be in the 90'sF, I won't get to mow the yard until late this evening, darn!
Here are some pictures of the babyFlemmiesblue and black.

Kids can get on your nerves and evidently Sweetie had had enough. She was found in the nestbox, where there was not enough room for the baby's to get in with her already there.The baby's were huddled in the corner of her cage sound asleep.

So here of pictures of the baby's, Velvets little one is NOT missing any meals! He/she reminds me of the way a toad looks, squat with a wide middle.










Here is a picture of Pudge who does not like to hear Velvets baby squeal, if shedoes she thumps and thumps loud!


I was trying to geta clear sharp picture of Carmel as he jumps out of his cage. He will not let me get him out he lauches himself out of his cage and almost hits the wall on the other side. The blur is Carmel as he lept.


I will try and get more updated pictures of the herd in the upcoming week. I have been told that I've have not posted enough pictures of my herd.

I went to the farm supply store I go to get my rabbit food and their litter today bought a bale of hay for $6 dollars. Even with the size of my herd I am set for a few months!

Yeah! I laughed out loud, seeing that little one! I'm sure it's just being very well fed, but keep an eye on his output because young babies can get bloat if something's wrong with their gut microbes. As long as the poo's normal, I'm sure Velvet's baby is just getting lots of good meals. The black babies look good!
This picture just gave me my Sunday morning AWE...... :p:biggrin2:


Baby needs a cuddle and a smooch from me.... Send her on over.....;)

OMG the velvet is so FAT lol its so cute it reminds me of garfield the fat cat cause of the tummy. I love the pics of the doggie and the overprotectiveness lol one of my chiuahuahs are like that.
My son said something yesterday while I was putting away the hay. He looked at me and commented "Dad, the rabbits are going to have lots of hay till its gone." I thought he was joking but he wasn't, I said "your rightJosh THE rabbits will have a lot of hay until its gone."

Then it dawned on him what he said he said oops I had a mom moment! Karen is noted in our family for saying silly things like that.

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