Last night I was up very late, I don't know why I was totally exhausted. Karen, aka wabbitmom, went in and brought out Velvets blue baby. Forget the ping pong sized belly, were now talking a small melon! All the food this little blue bun is getting, it should be the rabbit that ate Elkhart, Indiana! It kept popping around like a mexican jumping bean in my hand.
I put it on my just up by my neck, it started to settle down and go to sleep, but I was then getting baby bunny farts in my face.:yuck This continued for 10 minutes or so. It had settled down and had gone to sleep, occasional odor would float my way, but not like before!
Sweeties baby's are not able to go in and out of the nest box at will, poor Sweetie, not rest from thekids now!
Velvet is doting on her little one. I have never seen such a fluffy furry nest before. I think she adds more to it everyday. We also get the grunts and charges when we go to pick it up or just to see how its doing.
On Tuesday June 30th, my oldest goes to Air Force basic training, following in his dads footsteps.
Well got to go, I need to unload the dishwasher, wash the stuff that can't go in the dishwasher and other fun stuff like that. Since the high today is suppose to be in the 90'sF, I won't get to mow the yard until late this evening, darn!