Vulgarity in Email?

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The funniest thing of all was that I was talking to my mom today (I call her at least once a week and we discuss what's happening in our lives - usually talking for 2-4 hours). Remember - we're talking about a 78 year old woman who thinks the internet is probably "evil" and if she got a computer - she'd probably "blow up" the Pentagon 'cause she's so dumb she'd push the wrong button.

So we were talking about various things and I was talking about how it had been a rough week...friends I cared about online had lost rabbits, kids had rough week at school, etc. etc. I mentioned the email and read her a little bit of it.

Mom has worked around men before - years and years she's heard some language - but she's not up to the "more modern" stuff..

So she said, to me...."Does that f-ing word mean what I think it means?". Art was listening in to my part of the conversation and practically rolled on the floor laughing as I'm trying to say, "Well....yes does mean that....". Then she goes on with, "Well, I've told you for years now that that internet place isn't a good place to be on....that dangerous things can happen and that should protect your kids more from it...".

Art got to hear me defend how I'd been online for over 10 years and never had an email w/ vulgarity before....and that I knew how to screen sites, etc.

Mom said, "well, I'm sorry you had a rough week....and that you mind if I tell your Uncle Hallie and his family about this so they can warn their kids and grandkids that people on the internet will do stuff like that?"

I repeated her question out loud (so Art could hear it) and that's when he lost it. Tiny even came running to see what was happening... I told her that of course she could tell them - but that they probably already knew about it. That's when she asked me how to spell the word and was it really spelled get the idea.

So if I sounded naieve...I really was/am. But at least I know there is someone out there who is even more naieve than I am!!!!!

Aw, Peg I wouldn't consider you and your mom naive for not swearing. I think it's wonderful. Younger people are more desentisized to swear word now-a-days, I've seen it alot growing up (I'm 22 now). Vulgarity like that is common even in the media. I often see it on television, movies, and yes the internet, not to mention day to day life. I remember being around swearing even in grade school. In my teenagehood it was just a part of life, and a habit I fell into. One day, my grandmother, who overhead it, took me aside and talked to me about it. I'm glad she did, because she was right. Swearing isn't beneficial, it is a language people use out of frustration, but is unneccessary. You can tell alot about a person just by the terms they use. An English major, will probably be very articulate and use proper grammar. An engineer will be very technical and organized. Someone who swears, should pick up a dictionary, thesaurus, or sometimes just ANY book. (This is something else that concerns me, it seems alot of people don't read anymore.) I love reading and writing, and after that day many years ago, have taken to watch my language much more carefully.

I think someone can be vindictive, dirty, nasty, condecending, coniving and all the bad traits in the world without using one swear word.

Someone may chooseto make a point about something they are passionate about using words you consider vulgar however, if it was inresponse to something that you did/said which had minipulative intentions behind it even if your words were coated in sugar, I think you are the more evil of the two.

:bunnydance: JMO


Edited to make the right point...
HoneyPot wrote:
I think someone can be vindictive, dirty, nasty, condecending, coniving and all the bad traits in the world without using one swear word.
I COMPLETELY agree. :)

BTW - when I use profanity I am very careful. Rarely in e-mail (or any other writing) do I swear in anger. Nor do I use profanity in professional or other tender situations. Common sense is all it's about really.
I can't really answer the poll directly, but I will answer with a "sometimes". It really depends on who I am talking to and what about. For instance, if I'm talking about something that really infuriates me, a cuss word or two might slip out.

The only reason I find myself cussing at all ever is probably due to the fact that I've worked in construction-type companies for about five years now, right along side the guys with the most filthy language! I soon found myself slipping out a few every now and then.

Though my cussing has gone down quite a bit, it slips when I am truly angry about something.

So, there you have confession. :?
I totally know what you mean. We are very careful about language around our 6yr old.

We once had allowed a friend to stay with us when he was in between apartments, and he wouldn't watch his mouth, no matter how much we knocked him in the head for it. Well, one day he called our cat, Hobbes, a b%^&*, and Emily (our daughter) piped right up and said, "hey! Hobbes is NOT a b%^&*!!"

That put things into perspective for him, and he hasn't cussed around her (at least has done it much much less) since.

TinysMom wrote:
My husband has never used foul language....and about the worst I ever used was sh--. Usually it was "Oh S...".

So you can imagine how I felt when Robin was less than 18 months old and accidentally locked herself in her bedroom. All we heard reverberating down the hall was her shouting "OH SH--!".

Art& I were making Sunday lunch at the time and he turned to me and said, "Hmm...I wonder where she heard that? I know she didn't hear it from me!!!" (He knew where she heard it).

That was when I really started being diligent about watching my language.....'cause I knew I had two little ones that would imitate me....


P.S. I really am not trying to criticize those who use vulgarity...but since I am so not used to it - I guess I don't understand how it makes the sender feel or why they use it....
I agree with this as well...emails are already chock full of misunderstanding and misreading, why add swear words in them? When I email people, even if I have to use to use their thesaurus, I will use a more descriptive word if it kills me! Even in talking to people, I try to keep things can really get your point across MUCH BETTER if you use regular words. :D

HoneyPot wrote:
I think someone can be vindictive, dirty, nasty, condecending, coniving and all the bad traits in the world without using one swear word.

Someone may chooseto make a point about something they are passionate about using words you consider vulgar however, if it was inresponse to something that you did/said which had minipulative intentions behind it even if your words were coated in sugar, I think you are the more evil of the two.

:bunnydance: JMO


Edited to make the right point...