Viral cold - Incompetent Vet

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Quick update - I used the humidifier with eucalyptus oil an hour ago and I used the nebulizer with saline 15 minutes ago.. Jim hates it but he is tolerating it.. He is eating fine so I am a little hopeful now that he will pull through...
Glad to hear Jim is still doing ok. I would keep up with the humidifier as much as you can. You can nebulize 2-3 times a day for 5-10 mins a time if he will tolerate it and isnt getting stressed out. Just put in more saline if you need it to last longer.

I agree about the diet..stick with lots of hay and lots of fluids. I wouldnt get too creative with veggies since he is SO young. Not sure if anyone mentioned this but a great way to keep them hydrated is children's pedialyte. You can put this in his water or syringe it to him.

Dont give up, you are doing a great job. I know how heartbreaking it can be.

Sending lots of prayers from across the globe.


Thanks, I am feeling much better :)

I was planning to use the nebulizer now but since Jim was up half the night, he only went to sleep an hour ago.. I am also logging off for the day now, I shall get up in a few hours and then give him the nebulizer and humidifier..
I have some good news.. Jim has been asking for food since last night and he has been eating really well!

This morning when I was using the nebulizer he actually revolted and hopped away.. I was so surprised since the last 2 days he would just lie there, not moving at all! His nose has stopped leaking too and he is being his old self!
Just happen to drop in and saw this. I also see you are in India which makes finding an experienced vet probably quite difficult. I think you are way over doing things here. First, as not use Amoxicillin or any penicillin/cephalosporin orally....they are safe only as injectables and Amoxicillin is never one of the top choices. Next, the antipyretic may be inappropriate for your rabbit depending on the exact type of that drug. A curd based probiotic is certainly nothing that should be offered to a rabbit. This is a milk product and rabbits can't handle large amounts of lactose.....not appropriate. I urge extreme caution in mixing eastern and western type meds. While I have no problem with holistic treatments in some certainly isn't appropriate with lower respiratory infection and may cause undesired side effects from certain drugs.

The bestantibiotic to use for this type of problem is Chloramphenicol. It is well tolerated in a rabbit's GI. Usually quite easy to acquire outside of the US. And it's very effective. I highly suggest it. As far as a really need to know what you are dealing with before putting a lot of different stuff in there. And remember that warm vapor tends to grow bacteria, some undesirable, under most conditions which can make things worse. I tend to use cool humidity....usually an evaporative humdifier. I would certainly get an appropriate probiotic....a non-dairy acidophilis would be nice. The thing is to maintain pH...not so much the type of bacteria. You can also stabilize the pH by using small pieces of citrus fruit....ascorbic acid.....but use in restrained moderation if you use this method.

And keep in mind that with all this going on that it's stressing your rabbit....and that makes things worse. Keep it as simple as possible.

I have stopped using Amoxillin, I used it two times and then realized its harmful.. The vet prescribed it, do you blame me for initially thinking that the vet was right?

I am using ONLY saline in the nebulizer, I wash the cup after using it.. Please read the entire thread

I am using a vaporizer twice a day.. I thought it's called a humidifier but it's not..

I have not yet started using homeopathy medicine.. I have only got it and kept it for emergencies.. Once again please read the entire thread..

The anti inflammatory medicine is from the company Himalaya, it's a herbal blend and the safest available..


This morning he was hopping all around his hutch and he rushed out as soon as I opened the door to put in food.. His voracious appetite is back, his energy levels are good, he does not have lose motions and his nose is no longer leaking!
nikitanain wrote:
I have stopped using Amoxillin, I used it two times and then realized its harmful.. The vet prescribed it, do you blame me for initially thinking that the vet was right?

I am using ONLY saline in the nebulizer, I wash the cup after using it.. Please read the entire thread

I am using a vaporizer twice a day.. I thought it's called a humidifier but it's not..

I have not yet started using homeopathy medicine.. I have only got it and kept it for emergencies.. Once again please read the entire thread..

The anti inflammatory medicine is from the company Himalaya, it's a herbal blend and the safest available..
I believe that Randy is referring to a cool mister. Cool moist air is easier to breathe than very wet warm air which is heavier.
Nothing personal was meant here against your efforts . You are doing an amazing job with your bunny.
I havnt seen a cool mister here but I shall search for it.. I am sorry if I was rude, I have been trying to do everything I can since there was very little hope for Jim to survive and I was a little offended when I was told that I was way over doing it..

Jim is 90% fine now, his voracious appetite is back and he is well enough to rebel when it's time to take medication.. Also he hops out of his hutch voluntarily, pokes his nose out when anyone passes by and is hopping around everywhere! His nose is not leaking, he is not wheezing, he is not coughing and he doesnt have lose motions...
You have done such an amazing job with Jim. Especially consider the bad advice you got from your vet. I am glad you did the research and didn't just take the vets word. How is Jim doing? I hope he is still doing good and you have been able to get some sleep.
Thank you.. :)

Jim is doing fine, he is acting like nothing ever happened! For some weird reason Jim is trying to make friends with my German Shepherd, he follows her all around the house and when she sits on her bed Jim sits between her legs.. My shepherd is very confused since normally all my small pets hate her, she annoys them a lot by licking them but Jim doesnt mind her a bit...

When ever Jim is out of his hutch am I always a step behind him and my German Shepherd doesnt bite so the current setup is quite safe :)
Im SO happy to hear Jim is doing well! You did such a great job with him, despite such limited resources. He is so very lucky to have you.

Our golden retrievers love our rabbits and some of the rabbits really like them too. It's so funny to see how such a tiny bunny can become friends with a big beast of a dog :)
Thank you.. I am lucky to be his mommie :)

Aww I love Golden retrievers, they have the best temperament ever! I would love to see pics of your retrievers... My lab is a big softie who gets bullied by all my small pets!

I have a question, is it normal for baby rabbits to eat a lot or is it because Jim is a large breed? He eats vegetables (equivalent to a large tomato) every 2 hours, he pokes his nose out of his cage and grunts if he doesnt get his food...
When Jim was ill his eyes were half closed, his ears were down and his nose was leaking non stop...

This is him now, after recovering.. He has medicine stains on his face, the lil boy fought me with all his might when I tried to clean it so I cleaned how much I could and left the rest...


It is very common for all young rabbits to eat non-stop. They are growing so much. I always have food available for them at all times until they are fully grown.

Are you able to get hay? If possible having several different kinds of hay available to him at all times would be very good for him.

Since he is going to be a big rabbit, he probably won't stop growing for about a year, so he is going to be eating a lot.

I am glad to know that his eating habits are normal.. I have timothy hay cubes (Brand, sunseed) and farm grown hay.. I give him a cube everyday and a little bit of the farm grown hay...
Farm grown hay is probably good to give in large amounts. It is probably a mix of different grasses, so it would give some good nutritional variety. I give about three large handfuls of hay to my buns a day, and they are only little buns (3-6 pounds).

If you can find a place that has horses, any hay that is fed to a horse can be fed to a rabbit. They're digestive needs are almost identical as are their digestive systems.

If it can be found, alfafa hay is very good for growing bunnies and is good in limited amounts for adults.

I havnt seen alfafa hay here but I shall search.. All right I shall give him more farm grown hay from tomorrow.. The farm hay I get is usually used for cows, I havnt seen any horse stables anywhere here..