Very sad !!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
St Catharines , Ontario, Canada
I recently brought home a new rabbit a few daysago! She gave birth to 5 still born kits yesterday, I had no idea shewas even pregnant...poor thing !! My heart just broke when i went totouch the first kit to see if he was alive, his little body was sostill and cold! Im so so very sad, especially for my poor doe who lostall of her precious babies!:(:(
Im a little worried about my doe, this morningwhen i checked her litter box her pee was the color of blood, is thisnormal after giving birth the day before?? other than that she is atrooper and doing well eating and drinking and she just had her firstpoo!
So sorry :( It's not unusual for her topass a little blood. (Large amounts would be cause forconcern). Do check her genitals and watch for any signs ofpossible infection, such as lack of appetite or lethargy that canindicate a retained kit.

If she hasn't had much to drink, her urine just may appear red in color.

im so sorry

you'll be in my prayers tonight for you and the bunnys

how is the mother coping

varna xxxx
So sorry to hear about this. About 2 months agomy doe went through the same thing, she gave birth to 5 stillborn kits.But now shes well and healthy with 3 little kits growing by the minuteat 4 days old. Roxy also passed al little blood after the stillborns.About a day after, she jumped up onto the sofa and when she hadfinished i checked and there was a pool of blood there. But she wasfine after that, hope this helps and hope she gets better soon. Afterthis happened to Roxy she became much friendlier towards me, has thishappened to her at all? Leanne xxx
Yes :Dodly enough she is very friendlytoward me since she gave birth, when i first got her she bit me andwould run from me at the sound of my footsteps, now she follows me allover the room!
Since this is the same attitude my rabbitexpresses towards me I hope when she has her kits ON MARCH 19TH shewill be a lot nicer than she is now.:)
After mammie had her babies she was a new you can pet her with out her growling and atacking you. ever theold holding your hand over her head realy didnt work well because afteryou moved your hand she would try to atack you.
Glad she's being friendly towards you. AlthoughRoxy was never agressive at all, she was very timid and wasnt friendly,after the litter she jumps up to me, sleeps on me etc, she was so muchnicer. Are you thinking of breeding her again at all? As my secondlitter came out just fine. They're finally growing some fur!

Congratulations on your pregnant bunny, bunnylover. Hope everything works out,

Leanne xxx
Just a week before flopsy died I bred him andmaya! if it was successful she should be due april 1st! so now at leastflopsy's babies will still be with us!

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