Feel free to move it Haley, thank you! I'm still figuring out the website and where things should go.
The Missouri House Rabbit Society named her Windy Lou. We thought itwas cute, but we thought, "New life, new name". We were trying to comeup with something that stood for luck. Thoughs of luck eventuallyturned into thoughts of gambling (need luck to gamble, right?) Mostgambling happens in Vegas, so we just put a feminine spin on it. Hence,Vega!
She has free run of the living room/dining room/kitchen/long hallwayfrom about 7AM to 9PM (her cage is open for her to come and go). Still,when we put her in her cage around 9ish for us to go to bed, and she'llstill paw and bite the bars. Like being out of the cage for 14 hourswasn't enough, LOL.