Vash Passed Away Today

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Oh, Jenn! How awful!

I haven't been on in a few days and I'm just reading this. Iam so sorry! Vash was so lucky to have such a devoted caringmommy like you. I'm sure he knows how loved he is.


Our thoughts are with you.

Donna, Scott, Poco, Hef, Skittles & JawsII
Jenni, I'm so sorry to hear aboutVash. I know your heart is breaking right now and my heartbreaks for you. Remember that everyone on the forum is herefor support. I'm sorry. Vash will always be one ofmy favorite.

Nadia & Cookie
What a terrible loss. I am so sorry. He was such a handsome guy.
And so well loved.
God grant you peace of heart
I'm adding my heartfelt condolences and sending prayers to you's just so hard to lose a beloved pet...

He and Apollo are now binkying together in the sunlit meadows on theother side of the Rainbow Bridge....what a pair they must be....

Oh my...I'm so grateful for everyone'sheartfelt wishes, prayers, and condolences. Ourlast day together was fun, and Vash had a great time. He gotto travel to the state of his birth and meet his original breeder,flirt with some doe Flemish, and get loved on by lots of folks - aperfect Vash day.

I spoke with Vash's original breeder, and he told me when I'mready that he will give me another Flemish buck. Even thoughVash cannot be replaced,my heart will always have a place forFlemish buckssince they are forever "mamma'sboys."

It is just so hard to even describe how much emptiness I feelright now. I dread coming home from work because he wasalways there to greet me. I have other pets, but there is anempty space now and a certain quiet in the house that came on the daythat he left. It wouldn't be so bad except I keep forgettingthat he is gone --it just doesn't feel real right now.

I will write more later...:tears2:

I'm so glad that you got to spend that special day together. We'll certainly miss the stories of the Vash adventures.

Dear Vash,

I remember the dayI first saw you. I had beenemailing and callingyour breeder Charles for what seemed likeforever trying to narrow down the right rabbit. I wanted abuck and he had a handsome "little" light gray buck that he would sellme.So, after working the last of a series of 12hour shifts at the hospital, I drove 4 hours down to North Carolinawith only a handwritten set of directions to pick up my baby boy.

When I finally arrived, Charles showed me around his rabbitry and letme meet your mother. She was a big girl but so sweet anddainty acting; she begged for a nose rub from Charles. Hesaid that your father, one of his favorite show bucks, had diedsuddenly at 2 years old. Your dad had two sides to him,according to Charles -- either a perfectly behaved angel or amischievous little devil.

As he talked I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye.It was a light gray rabbit about half the size of the others and it wasracing along the front of its cage only stopping long enough to shakethe bars with its teeth. "Wow," I thought, "That rabbit is anut job. Glad I'm thats not my baby." Charleslooked up and chuckled, "See, he acts just like Joe Bob (yourdad). He just wants some attention."

He reached up and opened the cage door and gave you a good pet and youmelted under his hands contentedly. Yes, that was you,sweetie. And as I went over to pet you, I noticed your kindeyes and that you were just as unsure of me as I you.

After we got home and got settled in, I let you out to explore thehouse. You ran all over it chinning everything in sight, thenyou ran over to me and nudged me for a pet. You werehome. And this place felt like a home...


Your Mom (KJH)

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