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Does bunny rabbits needs vacinations in South Africa?
Does bunny rabbits needs vacinations in South Africa?
In the UK, rabbits are vaccinated against myxamatosis and VHD. Both are really horrible diseases, and very often fatal, so vaccination is essential. Some vets (the less rabbit savvy ones) think house rabbits don't really need the myxi vaccination, as they aren't in contact with infected rabbits. However, it can be easily carried by fleas etc so any rabbit can become infected. Last year was a reallybad year for myxamatosis and many wild rabbits and petsdied because of it.I'm glad I read this post as my buns have not been vaccinated. We took them to the vetsfor altering but they didn't mention vaccines. I shall trundle them off again (I'm sure they'll be thrilled) so that they don't catch anything nasty!