Useful tip about teeth

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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My vet is great (I found him from here). I had to take my buns in today (yes all 14) and he gave them a good going over.

He said that if the front teeth have horizontal lives going across them, then that can indicate bad teeth form (that wasn't the word he used, but my brain won't function and produce that word for me), which can then, in turn indicate whether molar spurs are/might be an issue.

I thought that was interesting and useful so I thought I would share:)
Did you mean to write "horizontal lines"? :)

Very interesting, did he say why this is?

Glad your buns all are doing well!
Yeh, going from left to right, across the teeth. He said vertical lines were pretty normal.

I can't remember exactly what he said, but it was basically what I said in the last post.

It sort of got lost in a rabbit melee, lol.

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