Phinnsmommy wrote:
That is ssoo mean

People always brag about how great US soldiers are, well, they should see this video.
You can hear a thud when it hits the ground. Omg

Just hold on a minute everyone!
Do not put all soldiers in the same group because of oneincredibly stupid individual, as you would not lump all people of one race together because of the brainless actions of one person.
The US military
IS THE GREATEST in the world and remember they are protecting your freedom.
By no means am I condoning the insensitive and cruel actions of this twit. The Army will be investigating this incident and determine if it was an altered video or if it actually happened.
If it actually happened, the soldier and all those involved will be punished. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) has very strict penalties and the guilty cannot plea bargin to a lesser charge.
Also, our enemy would have perfectcause to alter a video and post it on youtube to turnUS publicopinion on itsown military and to increase the negative image the press has given the US role in Iraq. If it was another US soldier who altered the video because, for whatever reason thought it was funny, then heis just plain dumber then a box of rocks.
The US military is a crosssegment ofour society and you will get a few rotten individuals in it.
I spent 25 years in military service to this country and it ticks me off when people lump all military personnel together when one idiot does something sosenseless it boggles the mind.This soldier is not representative of the others that are serving inIraq performing their duties with honor.
There is no excusefor this kind of behavior. If he andthe other cretins involved actually did this, they will be punished. If found guilty, they could get imprisonment, reduction in rank, fortifiture of all pay and a dishonoralbe discharge (there's probably a few thingsin addition)or all the above.