Mouse had four babies, the weakest (aka "Runt"for quick identification) is smaller and less bouncy compared to theother three kittens. It's never done too well compared to the rest buttoday the three othersmanaged to break free of theconfinements of their nesting box and have been rampaging about mybedroom floor for the past fifteen minutes. T'was then we noticedsomething; Runts hind legs were wonky.
You know how when a rabbit sits down there is a kind of artistic "O" onthe rear end before the foot lies on the ground? Well, the "O" (insertscientific term) wasn't straigtening out as Runt walked like theothers, this soon loosened up a little bit as Runty wobbled on andaround, then I noticed that his legs seemed almost "rubbery" butconsidering the amount of wobbling and shaking Runt was doing as hetried to get from A to B, I'm not surprised.
Of course, the leg thing merited a closer inspection as I don'tnormally poke and cuddle at the kittens (not that Mouse minds, I'm oneof few who she doesn't care if I hold her kiddies.) During this closerinspection I realised that one of Runts eyes is "gunky". The gunk inquestion reminds me of conjunctivitis before it dries, it is clear,gathering about the tear ducts and sticky in appearance.
Tomorrow I am going to phone the veterinary surgery and we've alreadyphoned an old rabbit-woman who has suggested thatwefeedRuntourselvesalongwithMouse and clean his eye every so often (clean his eyewe've already done, Mouse is fine with it)
Is there anything elsewe can do now?
You know how when a rabbit sits down there is a kind of artistic "O" onthe rear end before the foot lies on the ground? Well, the "O" (insertscientific term) wasn't straigtening out as Runt walked like theothers, this soon loosened up a little bit as Runty wobbled on andaround, then I noticed that his legs seemed almost "rubbery" butconsidering the amount of wobbling and shaking Runt was doing as hetried to get from A to B, I'm not surprised.
Of course, the leg thing merited a closer inspection as I don'tnormally poke and cuddle at the kittens (not that Mouse minds, I'm oneof few who she doesn't care if I hold her kiddies.) During this closerinspection I realised that one of Runts eyes is "gunky". The gunk inquestion reminds me of conjunctivitis before it dries, it is clear,gathering about the tear ducts and sticky in appearance.
Tomorrow I am going to phone the veterinary surgery and we've alreadyphoned an old rabbit-woman who has suggested thatwefeedRuntourselvesalongwithMouse and clean his eye every so often (clean his eyewe've already done, Mouse is fine with it)
Is there anything elsewe can do now?