URGENT! Bunny Bite!

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Aww, poor Toby. Emma is a determined little thing, isn't she?

And yes, I think most of us have had something similar happen - Shadow is still recovering from his nose surgery - so accidents definitely happen. Sounds like he is well on the road to recovery :)

LuvaBun wrote:
And yes, I think most of us have had something similar happen - Shadow is still recovering from his nose surgery - so accidents definitely happen. Sounds like he is well on the road to recovery :)
Jan, when you found Shadow's nose all nibbled on, did you have an, "OhmyGod, OhmyGod, OHMYGOD!" moment, too? I always feel so ill-prepared for emergencies, unless they are on me.

In May of 2007, three of my fingers got smashed in a bank vault at work. One was broken and bleeding (everywhere). I was calm and laughing with the emergency staff and had a great time (well, as great as it could be). I find a tiny little bite on Toby, and I have a mild heart attack. Poor Shadow's nose looked far worse than Toby's bite, though.
Here is just a quick update for everyone. His wound is sutured nicely, and he doesn't seem to mind them. Sorry they are a bit blurry. I will try and get better ones later.



Also, his stitches looked a little "gooey" this morning. It isn't red, warm or angry looking, just normal bunny-skin color. Could it be leftovers from the salve I put on there last night? It looked like it was crusted onto the stitches. I don't think it is pus... Like I said, the wound doesn't even look pink. It's just normal colored.
A thin, clear "goo" is normal in healing wounds. It's just lymph material that heals and protects wounds. Pus would be really thick like toothpaste or cream cheese. It could also be dried salve, which is fine too.

Looks like he's healing well to me!
naturestee wrote:
Looks like he's healing well to me!
He is acting like nothing happened! I asked my roommate to watch Toby while I was at school because he got away from us when we were putting the salve on, and the little booger jumped up on the bed from the floor! My roommate fluffed a blanket over the whole bed (it's a very lightweight blanket) and Toby poked his nose out from under it, then scooted back under and was digging around in it! He is acting just like he was before he even got sick (two weeks ago). He even spite-peed by Emma's cage.

Also, I figured out that Toby did fight back. I found a TON of Miss Emma's white fur under the bed. I checked her out and she's OK. I didn't feel any scabs under her fluff. As bad as it sounds, I am kind of glad he attacked her in defense. It might show her a lesson.

She is caged up at the moment (in their three-story condo) and Toby is back in his pen. He's loafed out in front of his "man cave", as Will likes to call it. The "cave" is an open part in our entertainment center that has a place mat for Toby to lay on and a little pillow. He lays in there and sleeps.
kherrmann3 wrote:
LuvaBun wrote:
And yes, I think most of us have had something similar happen - Shadow is still recovering from his nose surgery - so accidents definitely happen. Sounds like he is well on the road to recovery :)
Jan, when you found Shadow's nose all nibbled on, did you have an, "OhmyGod, OhmyGod, OHMYGOD!" moment, too?
Oh yes, and that's putting it mildly :shock:. There was a lot of blood when it happened, but it was only when the scab dropped off that his nose kind of 'came to pieces'.

I guess there is always going to be something that happens with bunnies that we aren't really prepared for - I'm sure they do things on purpose just to keep us on our toes ;)

Sounds like Toby gave as good as he got. Glad to hear that he's healing so well!

He's not happy with me right now. He hates the salve and tries everything possible to avoid getting it put on. When I have him restrained, he starts licking whatever part of my arm is closest to him. It's his "distraction technique". He does that when I am trying to give him his medicine, too. It's so darned cute that I almost don't finish giving him his meds! Distraction by cuteness! :p