Thank you for all the replies..
Nepo, she is probably asking you.. Yours looks so much like mine.. Theone I bought the door is on the same side as yours is, I am not sure ifthe petshop assembled minewrong (bought display)ornot.. All the ones I find made from that company it is located on theother side...
She is doing much much better and seems to be adjusting well now.. Itried putting the igloo in again and she instantly froze up, so Iimmediately took it right back out..
Then right away I had an idea.. We just moved into this house a fewmonths ago, so I had plenty of boxes left over from the move.. A fewweeks ago,I cut a little hole in the side of the endofa box, shredded up somephonebook pagesinto little strips, stuck them in thereand it took her about2 days to get used to it. (onplay time, she lounged in there,older cage was way to small to fit it in there.)
(I am just rambling on lol) So anyways, the idea was to stick her boxin there with her to give her something (other than her bowl andbottle) to feel at home, and she perked right up... She ran straightinto the box and started digging, came out a bit and explored, triedgetting on top of the box. Then checking out all the new stuff againlol.. She loves her snuggle (bed) I bought her, but she peed in itGRRRR.. Now I need to wash it.. Do I just wash it in water on the washor add detergent? I know they are sensitive to smells.. Also she is achewer.. I am a bit worried about the bed because of that and amdoubting putting it back in there with her, I don't want her to chew upthe fuzzies and eat them.. (she tried doing that after she peed inthere, The same spot she peed on, she had a big patch of fuzzies in hermouth I had to pull out, then I noticed she peed in it.)
I am a bit worried now, about the sore hock.. She is a dwarfof some sort.. I think lop/mix.. My husband said we couldprobably put some Plexi-glass in the bottom (which will cut out thecatch-all pan) and I just clean it up a few times a day, untill I gether a litter pan and litter train her..
I am searching for ideas here, as I am so worried about the sore hockthing.. I don't want any pain coming to or little girl.. Ihave done research today and seen pictures of this and very worried.. Iam also equally worried about her little snuggly as it can causeblockage, should I just keep it out and keep adding shredded paper toher box for comfort.. I am going to the dollar store ina fewdays and plan on picking her up a fewBaby blanketsforour baby girl..
Again thank you all for your replies,
all of them have given memore incite to the care of our precious girl.. I think we really neverstop learning, do we?!?