Well-Known Member
I promise I will post picsthis weekend! :nod
Well, Thanksgiving here was about 60 degrees and since Snuff wasshedding, or, moulting rather, we took the buns out for a date on thepicnic table. They got along! It wascool. Snuff humped Angel like mad, she didn't seem to mind atall, after about 10 seconds or so, I pushed him off. Hedidn't do it again. They sat next to each other, if Angelwent to the other end of the table, there went Snuff right behindher. No grooming of each other, but they groomed themselvesnext to each other. We did this 2 days in a row.Not one fight or tiff.
But when I let Snuff out in the house, he goes up to hercage, she growls a couple times. When either of them is out,separately of course, they mark by the other's cage, Angel is evenpeeing, she didn't do this before. I am almost sure this isnormal since they are not "bonded" yet but get along in neutralterritory, am I right? Your thoughts?
Thanks guys!
Well, Thanksgiving here was about 60 degrees and since Snuff wasshedding, or, moulting rather, we took the buns out for a date on thepicnic table. They got along! It wascool. Snuff humped Angel like mad, she didn't seem to mind atall, after about 10 seconds or so, I pushed him off. Hedidn't do it again. They sat next to each other, if Angelwent to the other end of the table, there went Snuff right behindher. No grooming of each other, but they groomed themselvesnext to each other. We did this 2 days in a row.Not one fight or tiff.
But when I let Snuff out in the house, he goes up to hercage, she growls a couple times. When either of them is out,separately of course, they mark by the other's cage, Angel is evenpeeing, she didn't do this before. I am almost sure this isnormal since they are not "bonded" yet but get along in neutralterritory, am I right? Your thoughts?
Thanks guys!