She's home guys! :biggrin2:
So far she's VERY groggy, and has been hopping round the bottom of the cage knocking things over and very unsteady on her feet bless. She's currently sat in the litter tray refusing hay and veg, although she did nibble a bit in the carrier on her way home
We had a lengthy conversation with Liz, the vet, and made an interesting discovery. They flushed out her tear ducts while she was under, just because it seemed like a good oppurtunity, and her right eye, has an imperforate(sp?) tear duct? Which means that the duct doesn't go all the way through, it just stops. It's strange because I swear that she has never even had so much as a piece of goop in either of her eyes the whole time we've had her! The vet doesn't think it will be too much of a problem, given that she's been fine til now, but it's something to watch.
Her teeth had a lot of sharp ridges on them, which were burred down (that's the right word?), but overall once they could get a look, there wasn't any other major problems with her teeth. They did x-rays and the roots all look fine, no sign of any abscesses etc, which is good. She can't be sure if the runny nose was a cause of that or not, so they took bloods and a swab to check for anything else abnormal, bacterial infections, etc.
She's going back in for a post-op check on Thursday, but sooner if there are any problems obviously. She's not had any painkillers as it was essentially just an aneasthetic, but we can give her some Metacam tonight if she seems uncomfortable at all. She did say that if she continues to look in any pain though to give them a call tomorrow.
Right now she just looks groggy and angry at us! Her nose is all stained from the iodine as well, and the fur around her eye is all wet. The other buns went straight down to see her, and at one point all 3 of them were crowded around her giving her kisses!!

Mouse seemed particularly intent on grooming her and giving her nose-rubs lol....
I'm about to give her some more fresh veggies to try and get her to eat.... cross your fingers she will! :?