UPDATE motherless babies... at my house

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That video of Dora (love the name btw) is just too darn cute.

How are you ever going to give her back?


AWWWW! Dora is aDORAble!! :biggrin2:

She's so fast aswell! I swear she moves faster than my bunnies!

I love this pic:


'What? There's a big bad wolf behind me? Yeeeeah, right!' :laughsmiley:

Are you going to keep her? I can't believe the owners didn't notice that the mum had given birth before they went away- who on earth was feeding her all that time? :(
She's so pretty, looks like a wild bun! I hope that you guys keep her. I can't even begin to imagine how tightly she's bonded to you and your hubby. Could you work something out with the owners?
Now if this isn't cute, I don't know what is!

Also, Dora has a new thing- watching us constantly. That's because James took down the cardboard "baby bumpers" from the cage today now that her head is too big to fit through the bars. That means she has a great view of the house when she's on top of her hidey box. And that's where she's been ever since, aside from when she needs to eat or poop.:p
She is fast!!! Wow...she can cover that room in seconds flat!!! I see she has a fascination with the bunny-room door :D. Maybe she wants Obi to come out to play...

WOW! I can't get over how fast she is!! That video would be sooo popular on YouTube!!! :D

She's seriously so cute as well....

Any ideas what breed the mother was? I can't remember if you've said that further up or not!
*sigh* back to the vet again.

Dora had severe diarrhea this morning. Dr. Travis (different from the one normally treating her but my favorite rabbit vet) took an xray, said her cecum is full of gas and seems to not be emptying properly. Sub-q and gut motility drugs, bringing her back in tomorrow. The antibiotics and anti-coccidia meds ended yesterday, we're not continuing for the moment.

Poor little girl, I never knew such a tiny bunny could fart so big!:shock:
Oh no :(. Just when things seemed to be going so well. I was so hoping that she was on the way to being OK.

Poor little Dora - that little girl has stolen my heart! I know it's an awful thing to hope for, but perhaps her owners will let her stay with you if they don't want to cope with her problems.

Keeping you all in my thoughts

C'mon Dora! Let one rip! in all seriousness though, I hope she gets better. Wouldn't simethicone be a good choice? I mean, I know your vet knows what he's doing, but when I feel gassy it really helps. Maybe a rice sock and some tummy massages--I know you guys are good at that.
Yup, she is getting simethicone too. The gas is painful I'm sure, but it's not the root problem. Her cecum is. I hope we can get to the bottom of this and fix her up. And yes, she has her nice warm Snuggle Safe.

She's been eating some, mainly alfalfa but some fresh grass andpellets also. And getting cecals from my other foster babies (they're done with their syphilis treatments) along with the Benebac she's been getting.

Aaaargh I just want her to be healthy!