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I also love Abby's ears. When she was reallysmall, she was all ears it seemed, but has grown into them. Plus, herears go either way, as she's a half Mini-Rex and half Lop.

And my last post I promise!

This is Abby with herr ears flopping. I love the look on her face,along the lines of "Mom, can you get that camera out of my face please?"

Stephanie wrote:
Ican't decide! I just love Chompie's floppy ears. They're so soft and hejust adores it when I play with his ears. How can you not love thisface?
I DO love that face!What a sweetie! And I know what you mean about those ears! You can justsit and stroke them and play with them forever!
Stephanie, aresolid black lops rare? When we were at the fair I saw a bunch of lopsfor sale and they were all what I considered inexpensive (15-20.00).But then we came across a solid white one and a solid black one thatwere over $200.00 each! Is it because of their color?
Hmm...I have no idea really! :p

You do make a good point though, I've never really seen a solid blackLop, or solid any color for that matter. Abby is a mix breed, and Iknow it's common in the Rex line for solid colors. You can't see it inthat picture ofher, but she's got two white hairs on hernose. Just two mind you.

pamnock wrote:
. . . and don't forget the "in-betweenies" (breeds that call for a "V" ear carriage) . . .

awww, the rabbit is soooooo cute. a friend of mine had two of them,plus thirty other rabbits and they were so cute! although, she had toget rid of them because they were so hard to take care of...
RaspberrySwirl wrote:




These are absolutely ADORABLE!!
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
uh oh. Here we go again. Youbetter cut itout or someone is going to tattle to those two lovely boys of yours!I've seen their photos and never heard a bad thing about them. I've gotyou all figured out. You sit back silently hoping that if you keep yourlittle secret aboutPerry and Pernod,maybe thosecrazy ladies won't come after them.....well, watch it lady.....I'm onto you....
Nooooo, you wouldn't want my two (BTW Pernod is a Girl). They are evillittle devils - they were in the Night of the Lepus hehehehe.I mean look at how evil they are


LuvaBun wrote:
Nooooo, you wouldn't want my two (BTW Pernod is a Girl). They are evillittle devils - they were in the Night of the Lepus hehehehe.I mean look at how evil they are

oops...sorry...don't tell them I made that mistake forheaven's sake!*whispers* which iswhich?
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Stephanie, are solid blacklops rare? When we were at the fair I saw a bunch of lops for sale andthey were all what I considered inexpensive (15-20.00). But then wecame across a solid white one and a solid black one that were over$200.00 each! Is it because of their color?
blueeyes white mini lops are a bit pricey, but black lops arefairly common. I would have to say the bun must have been "highlydecorated" with winnings i would think to be that price. although somebuns are very pricey.
i love both the flopped the straight andeverything inbetween. I have to admit though my english angora i loveher v ears the way them tips flip over is too cute;)
Raspberry, I won't tell them - Pernod (the blackand white dutch) is a real Tomboy anyways, and I think even she'sconfused as she is often caught humping Perry's head :shock:.

Stephanie, they had already hatched a plan, they are eating some of my flowers, the stalks still sticking out of their mouths :X

BunnyMommy, You made my babies really happy


Stephanie, are solidblack lops rare? When we were at the fair I saw a bunch of lops forsale and they were all what I considered inexpensive (15-20.00). Butthen we came across a solid white one and a solid black one that wereover $200.00 each! Is it because of theircolor?

The breeders name and winnings are a major factor in how much they cancommand for their stock. The quality of the animal is alsoimportant, so I advise buyers to educate themselves so they don't gettaken advantage of. I've seen many people advertise very poorquality rabbits for very high prices bases on thebloodlines.


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