Unusual response to affection?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Just wondering ifthere were any other rabbits that didthis...

I'll be petting Rex on the nose, whispering sweet nothings like "I loveyou Rex" or "Who's my hottie". Yeah, I'm wierd, I know. But he likes it.

Anyway, I'll pet his nose, talk to him, and in return he opens andcloses his mouth real fast, wiggling his cheeks and making this funnynoise. It's hard to describe, I'll try to get a video of it later. It'slike he does it in response to talking to him. Cutest thing ever.
m.e. wrote:
I'll be petting Rex on thenose, whispering sweet nothings like "I love you Rex" or "Who's myhottie". Yeah, I'm wierd, I know. But he likes it.

Aww thats so cute! But you're notwierd. I do that with Rice and Beans. EspeciallyBeans cuz she loves being talked to. I'll say stuff like"Who's my pretty little girl? Who's mymamasita?" Lately my friends have beentelling me she looks like she's been eating a little "too good" andputting on a little weight so I put her on a diet and now i say stufflike "Who's my cutey patutey with the big fat butt?? Who'sgot the big momma butt?" She loves it!! She neverwants to leave my side when im talking to her, its like she isfacsinated.
Toby does something like that when I rub his cheeks.

He looks like he is blowing air out of his mouth with eachstroke. The air blows his little cheeks up and it is socute.


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