Unexpected litter

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Oct 28, 2013
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Hi everyone, newbie here! Seeking advice. My two bunnies were born 17th February, I then got them at 8 weeks old, sexed by two people as two females. In May they had their vaccinations and I was worried about the sexing so I told the vet my concerns and she resexed them, both females. Last night I come in from work and one of them, Clover had shredded all the paper in the cage and started nesting, she then franticly started fur pulling and within the hour had given birth to 5 babies. I thiught she was having a phantom so didn't immediately remove Puzzle (who I now know is a male) and I'd seen him mate her in the nest, I'm presuming this means the poor girl is almost definately pregnant again? I thought nothing of the humping as they both regularly hump each other and have done for months. I'm presuming one has just matured late and that's why we only have babies now? Male came out as soon as I spotted the babies but I'm still worried! I feel like an irresponsible pet owner but so many 'professionals' sexed them I trusted their judgement (I'm an experienced zoo keeper but these are my first bunnies). I'm having the male castrated on Thursday. At one point after is he healed enough and safe to go back with the female? Or do you not reccomend reintroducing them until the babies are weaned/walking.

I'm also worried about the babies, I know they only feed them once or twice a day and that mum practicly ignores them most of the time but as someone who has never had baby bunnies Im very stressed about it! She's a house bunny so wen she was out and distracted I rubbe my hands on her and the nest then health checked the babies. 5, all warm, wriggly, no signs of deformities, I wouldnt say they have really round bellys but not skinny either. Her nest was damp with a lot of blood so I moved the bulk of the nest that was clean (ad all her fur) to a warmer nest box in the same location. I haven't seen her feed the babies since and I'm scared I've done the wrong thing! How and when will I know if she has rejected them and what are my best steps from there. Is it safe to checkthe babies daily if mums out and I have her and the nests scent on me?

Puzzle and Clover had the same dad (never thought it would matter as they were 'sisters') is this likely to cause problems? None have any visable deformities.

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Don't feel too bad. This is a common mistake made with rabbits. With some bunnies, it can be very hard to sex them until they have fully matured, so even the best most experienced people, can make mistakes.

The momma buns behavior towards her babies is normal. Doe's typically will just leave their babies alone until it is time to nurse, and that usually only happens once or twice a day, late at night or early in the morning. It can sometimes take the mom 24 hours before she will nurse the babies for the first time. After that if she still hasn't nursed them, you may need to assist her. You will be able to know she has nursed them by their 'ping pong' bellies. Handling babies usually doesn't cause a problem with most momma rabbits, especially if she is used to you petting and handling her. It's good to check on the babies at least once each day, to make sure they are doing ok and to start them off being used to people handling them. It's a really good sign that she's made a proper nest as a lot of first time mom's don't have a clue and won't even pull fur.

It is possible your male caught her again, especially if he squeaked and fell over, but you won't know for sure for another 30 days. If she does have babies again then these ones would have to be weaned early. After male buns are neutered, they still need to stay separate from female rabbits for at least 4 weeks, but sometimes longer, as they can still impregnate the female. It can take 4-8 weeks for the hormones to fully dissipate. Whether or not he would be safe to put with the mom and her babies after 4 weeks, just depends on your rabbits personality. It's hard to know how he would react to the babies, or even if he'll be ok with mom after a month. It might be best to wait the 8 weeks, when the babies are weaned, before attempting to rebond with your female. Keeping their cages close to each other(but not close enough that he could mate with her again through the bars), may help them stay used to each other and help with the bonding process when you attempt it.

Half sibling matings aren't a problem and can actually be a common practice in rabbit breeding. So your babies should be just fine.
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Thank you so much! That is really helpful. Two of the babies havent had bellies as round as the others for the last 24 hours and you can now see the other 3 taking over the size race! I'm thinking they may need bottle feeding if they are still with us and still underfed tomorrow, ive hand reared several things but never a bunny. As they only need feeding one a day can i take them from the nest to feed, then put them back if mum is off preoccupied? How much do you feed such a tiny thing an on what, I've read kitten replacement milk with cream added is best?

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With only 5 kits they should all have plenty of room to nurse. Are the two you mentioned smaller than the others...runts? You could try supplementing their feedings or see if you can get them to nurse additional time. Bottle feeding kits is very difficult to do successfully. It's not nearly as easy as you'd think and many times the kits end up dying. If you decide to supplement I think goats milk would be better, but KMR could be used if you can't get goats milk. Nothing replaces mom's milk though so anytime you can get them to nurse from her, that would be best.
They weren't smaller to begin with but are now, so I'm guessing runts. I figured with 5 she'd be able to feed them all easily but maybe the bigger kits are getting in the way. I've got KMR if needed but I was planning to do what you've suggested with just using to supplement/as an extra feed and keep the kits in the nest. That's a really good idea with the treats to keep her over the nest! Cliver would totally do that! Thank you guys!

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ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1383353249.330092.jpgthis is a pic of my fave kit :). Not sure what colour it is! Maybe agouti? Mum is agouti, although she looked lighter/browner as a kit.

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