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We're gonna make this work! Bottom line!

Terrible weather is upon us!!

Mrs. JimD says: "Do what you feel is right...But please don't drive tonight...OK, if you drive, you go solo...Have you seen it out there???!!??"

Can we do this??

Buck!!..are you out there??

PM on way!!
Buck Jones wrote:
I'm here and will do it if you're ready. Bunny Rescue in the night.

**claps hands together excitedly**

(lol, i have no idea why this is so intrigueing!) PLEASE keep us posted, and post pictures of the new bunny, and the new name too!

LMBO, Buck, Bunny Rescue in the Night. Our church recently put on a children's play entitled "Rescue in the Night." lol!

This is soooooo exciting!

I can't wait until one of them returns with the rest of the story!

Bless your hearts Jim and Buck. :dude: :dude:

I can't believe what you both are doing for the luckiest rabbit in the world. From 'rags to riches' for this babe.

I'm so happy and so moved by what's happened in this post that I'm speechless.
It really is a horrible storm out there, so if you two lunatics do decide to do this tonight, please write us when you both get back so that we're not worried about you getting home safely all night.

Just got off the phone with Buck and...........

I'm on my way!!!!!

Update to follow!!

:~) Jim

Mission accomplished!!

We've got the bunnie!!!

What a cutie she is :p.

I met Buck and the Missus, at a midway point between our places, for the bunnie drop. Wonderful people they are!! I wish I had had more time and that the weather had been a little nicer. I would have liked to have spent some time visiting with them.

Right now the new bunnie is in the x-pen, and Jessica is getting acquainted with her. We're hoping that she will bond with Jessica so they can be best buddies.

I'll take pictures asap.

All for now

Update tomorrow!!

:~) Jim
The "deed" is done...one dirty bunny is on her way home, finally! Her Dad drove through some pretty miserable weather to pick her up and will have to drive through it again on the way back.

She is a cutie, was pooping, peeing, eating and using the WoodyPet for what it is supposed to be used for.

JimD, the Missus says she was living underneath a Monte Carlo with her friends and she, the Missus that is, thoughtyou were quite the handsome fellow standing in the McDonald's parking lot in the snow....holding a rabbit!

JimD, I can't say enough for what you have just done. I am just so happy that the little one has found her way to your loving heart and home. Thank you.

Buck, what you and the Mrs. have done is truly a beautiful thing. Such big caring hearts helped another bunny find it's perfect forever home.

I respect and and admire allinvolved for your love, kindness and compassion. It's people like you that makes this world a better brighter place to live in.

Hugs to all of you and someone has got to kiss the little dirty girl for me. I can't wait to hear all about her and see her.

I am so glad everyone made it back home safe and sound.

Buck Jones wrote:
The "deed" is done...one dirty bunny is on her way home, finally! Her Dad drove through some pretty miserable weather to pick her up and will have to drive through it again on the way back.

She is a cutie, was pooping, peeing, eating and using the Woody Pet for what it is supposed to be used for.

JimD, the Missus says she was living underneath a Monte Carlo with her friends and she, the Missus that is, thought you were quite the handsome fellow standing in the McDonald's parking lot in the snow.

Is it storming? or snowing?

I can't wait to see this sweet girl. She needs a name to fit her situation like.... Carletta LOL!

You guys and your bunnies....... so adorable :)

Buck Jones, The Missus, and JimD risked their lives so that one bunny could find her way Home.

The weatherman predicted 6-10 inches of snow in the Northeast tonight, and when these gentleman and Buck's Missus headed out, there was already 4 inches of snow and it was coming down like a bandit.

It was hard driving. This time, the weatherman was right. We've got at least 6 inches now.

This story must be told. Perhaps an article in the next issue of the Rabbits Only Magazine in tribute of the love, friendship, and compassion that JimD and Buck Jones and The Missus displayed in this story of fate.

OMG! what sweethearts they are!

You know, Jim mentioned an extra cage not long ago..... I knew it would be filled within a short time.

I surely wish I had more room for some rescues. As soon as we do, the kids and I plan to go get a bunny or five from a shelter....

Then, Lexi can get her show bunny ..... first we help those who need it....

It's good to see good people doing such wonderful things for a little bunny.

Oh, and it's the week of Easter..... I'd name her Ester LOL!

Carletta???? *Laughs*

Check out the "How you picked your Bunny's name" post.

Our Friend, Jim, has been thinkin on this.


When is the movie coming out? I don't like to read! LOL

Seriously, though, lots of good kharma came out of this whole situation for lots of people: six, seven adults, couple of kiddies and two rabbits.

Good Lord turned that terrible situation right around into a love fest embracing half the distance of New Jersey.
