Un-Educated Things People Say

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"You have rabbits.......IN THE HOUSE???!!!!"

"But won't they multiply if you keep them together?"

"Why rabbits? They don't do anything!"

and the one that annoys me the most:

"Let's have some rabbit stew... hee hee"
It is pretty funny but annoying when I tell people that I brought my rabbit in the house to run around,

they are just like " In the house?" Its like they're thinking" I can't believe she lets farm animals in the house!!"

Hey its not as bad as a horse! Besdies you can bring pot bellied pigs inside so whats the dif, especially if they can be potty trianed. Just as long as they are potty trained and your house is child proof.:biggrin2:

"But won't they multiply if you keep them together?"

I would be like " Have you ever heard of this thing called SPAYING AND NUETURING? Yeah it is pretty useful when you don't want some things called BABIES!! lol or if they knew they were girls and said that then i would be like " Wow i didn't know girls could breed!" rflmao!!!!

This is what a visitor at the shelter said when they saw me taking a rabbit out to let it play: "But I thought they just sat in their cages?" Only if you make them.

Or: "I had a rabbit as a kid but he never played with anything like yours do. I gave him this wood chew toy from the pet store and he didn't touch it." Yeah, neither would mine. BORING!

At the grocery store, since I'm often asked why I'm buying large amounts of collard greens, parsley, etc. "Rabbits can eat that? I thought they ate carrots and pellets."

So, those wild rabbits in your yard. Are they eating carrots and pellets?

Best/worst and very common: "I don't think rabbits are good pets. I had rabbits as a kid, but they kept making more and more babies and we had to get rid of them." Hellooooo, separate the @$%&# sexes! Male+female=babies!

Related- "They're brother and sister, so they won't breed.":pullhair:

"Let's have some rabbit stew... hee hee"

I've heard this supposedly funny remark a lot of times. From people who, actually say it and are the only ones to laugh...Yes, isn't it soooo humorless AND annoying???

One of my uncles asked me if I had enough to make soup yet. (He is a cop) My response was..."How about I take your gun and shoot you? We can eat you."

Another time I am on the phone with my grandma and my great-aunt says in the background "Tell her to bring me one of her rabbits, I'm hungry." I told my grandma to tell her... "To starve herself she could live off her fat for a few years." My grandma of course told her.
The stupidest thing Ive been commented on is
"wow you rabbit actually looks like it has a personality, I didnt think rabbits had personalities"
The stupidest thing Ive been commented on is
"wow you rabbit actually looks like it has a personality, I didnt think rabbits had personalities"
Ok well what really makes me mad is when people call the rabbits a "bunnyrabbit" I mean it can only be one or the other at one time. Not both! It just makes me so mad when people say look at the bunnyrabbit, to thier kids. Its ok if the kids say it becuase they don't know anyting but it just drives me nuts!
BSAR wrote:
Ok well what really makes me mad is when people call the rabbits a "bunnyrabbit" I mean it can only be one or the other at one time. Not both! It just makes me so mad when people say look at the bunnyrabbit, to thier kids. Its ok if the kids say it becuase they don't know anyting but it just drives me nuts!
That's not really something that is uneducated ;)
Marietta wrote:
"Let's have some rabbit stew... hee hee"

I've heard this supposedly funny remark a lot of times. From people who, actually say it and are the only ones to laugh...Yes, isn't it soooo humorless AND annoying???

Don't you just that that!?
I hate it when my mom's boyfriend says that we should eat them for dinner, etc. It's so rude. And, he says it to my friends who show/raise rabbits! That's SO NOT cool. And he just like talks to the bunnies, asks them if they want to be barbecued, and then one time he picked up Sippi and showed him the pot on the stove and asked him if he wanted to be cooked. I wish Sippi could have given him the most idiotic look on his face, and bit his nose off!

We used to have a pet rooster, named Little Red, or something, and when my mom's boyfriend said barbecue or cook, or anything, Red would just FREAK out, and start crowing and flapping his wings, and he'd hide by my mom, who he just loved.


GoinBackToCali wrote:
Mines not really rabbit related, but livestock.

If you have ever been to a stockyard at a state fair.. its a dirty sandy muddy mucky place. The pigs we bring in top out at 275lbs.. they can plow through you like your paper.. we don't call them pigs at that point.. we call them Market Swine.

So we are sitting on our showboxes, and this *Buffy* walks up, with a bunch of other *plastics*.. for those not in the know.. Buffy was blonde, and froo froo.. wearing small clothing and high heeled sandals, face full of makeup and acting all dainty.. her plastics were her followers who were similiar to her in appearance.

So they tip toe up so their heels don't sink in the muck, complain to the guys in charge about making this place more tidy and getting some air freshners.. that it's an outrage to have all these cows (which they were steers HELLO) and piggies in here and it smell.. (it's an open barn.. the big metal covered shelters).

They then walk into the swine area and exclaim.. *oh look at all the cute wittle piggly wigglies..* and then turn to another gentleman and demand to know where we keep all the cute lile piglets..

What really got them an education? One of those *cute wittle piggly wigglys* stood up on it's hind legs and snorted at her,, hanging over the pen scaring her so bad she literally fell down.

All of us suddenly had something we urgently had to be doing.. elsewhere.. instead of helping the young ladies..LOL
I have had people tell me they were going to bring a fishing pole to my house so they could catch fish from my tanks.

So far I have been lucky with the rabbits, no ignorant remarks but I have had a few people tell me how tastey my guinea pigs would be :X

If someone really wants to push my buttons all they have to do is mess with my animals or any animal for that matter.
I know, some people just don't know how bad they are hurting how feelings and self esteem when they say things like that. You think that wouldn't have the guts to say such rude things about complete stranger's animals.
BSAR wrote:
I know, some people just don't know how bad they are hurting how feelings and self esteem when they say things like that. You think that wouldn't have the guts to say such rude things about complete stranger's animals.

Yes! I agree! I would never ever DREAM of saying something like that to anybody, whether I liked the pets they kept or not! It's just plain rude IMO!!

The worst I've ever heard is the usual, that they eat carrots and iceberg lettuce and stuff and that's it, and also when Barney is sat in his litterbox (perfectly normal to us) I get 'eeewww, look at him, sat on his own poo! How horrible!' Grrrrr! :X
Here's another good one. Ewww, You have all those animals in your house, it must smell :shock:

Can you imagine saying that to someone and you have never even been to their house?
I was just on youtube watching JAK's video of her bunny Demon giving birth, and I clicked on a few other videos that eventually led me to this other video (not of JAK's) and the bunny was clearlya broken fawn mini lop, even stated that in the title!. The un-educated thing one person said? "What type of mini lop is it?" lol. :biggrin2:OMG I just started laughing and then I replied with: "It's a mini lop. A breed. If you mean color, it's a broken fawn, possibly with some broken black tort. ;)" LOL.

i was talking to some boys in my class (why is it that boys seem to be the ones who always make these stupid comments?) and i was telling them about my buns. I was talking about echo and this guy was like "but isn't there poop all over your house? why would you let him run around?" i was like...um, they are litter trained. you should have seen the look on the faces, it was like the first time they had ever heard of sliced bread.

for me its not so much stupid comments, yes i get the eating ones alot, but i am just like, "you wouldn't want to eat him anyways, he's way too small" this one guy kept saying it and i just REAMED him out. the thing i hate worse is people not understanding why i have rabbits. when i tell them the first thing they say is "why?" its not like i go up asking "why on earth do you have a dog? are you weird or something?"

its just hard when your friends don't get/ care about it, and you just want to say something funny about your buns, but they just are not interested. this is the only place where i can freely talk about buns, and not feel weird. i feel like you all understand (duh cause you do) the whole love of rabbits thing.

even at my job today (i got a job! at a bike store! i am the only girl working there!) my boss who is really cool and really nice said "ya know the guys will probably give you a hard time about the rabbit thing" i said, i get that alot and i have a rabbit forum i come to and can freely talk about my buns and stuff. he seemed shocked there was such a thing as a rabbit website. he even didn't believe there were rabbit rescues. but its ok, cause not many people know, but now one more does know and thats what matters. and guys are the ones who always seem to give me the most trouble, but i can deal with that cause boys are just stupid.

alot of things i like people don't get. i guess i am just attracted to things that are out of the norm. even cycling. no one watches the tour de france like they watch the superbowl. and did i mention i am the only girl working at the bike store??

OK done talking now..