Um, I Love Sleeping....

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Foo likes to sleep in front of the washing machine or fridge when she's out. She also likes her hide box to nap in, I catch her flopped out in that a lot, like half in half out.

When she's in her cage, she sleeps on the side that doesn't have the litter box, either on her blanket that shes made into a ball or under the blanket(but that just started).
Oh Archie is so cute! That is funny how buns love their litter boxes. I caught Sophie sleeping in hers yesterday, full body in the potty.

Becky decided it was too much fun when I put the frshly washed blankets down to run under when I fluffed them out. Then there's just a little rambling lump under the blanket. I have to be careful not to step on her because she does that a lot. Panda and Bunnicula love their carrier so much I took the door off and put it on top of their burrow box. I guess no one told them they shouldn't like a box with only one door since that is where they sleep most.
Beauty used to sleep in her litter box ALL the time. She still does it a lot, just not as much since she is rooming with Shiny Things. Now both of them sleep on the left half of their shelf together. I even got a picture of one sleeping ontop of the other last night.
I honestly can't say that I've ever seen Timmy sleep. I was thinking about it the other day and even now that he's in my room with me. I've seen him get very relaxed and obviously comfortable but I've never seen him close his eyes and sleep.
missyscove wrote:
I honestly can't say that I've ever seen Timmy sleep. I was thinking about it the other day and even now that he's in my room with me. I've seen him get very relaxed and obviously comfortable but I've never seen him close his eyes and sleep.

Agnes doesn't close her eyes either. She is actually more relaxed than Archie but she doesn't close her eyes so it much be each individual rabbit. This eyes closed thing is new to me too!

I joke Archie has narcolepsy though. He falls asleep sitting up. Funny bunny :)
Nancy McClelland wrote:
Our avatar says it all--Nikki asleep, mouth open, on her back four legs in the air. She also a DBF champion even whil I'm using the vacuum.

Yes Nikki definetly has the best dead bunny flop ever!
Monty rests like that sometimes too (I say rests because sometimes she's legitimately asleep and doesn't react when I walk into the room, and other times, she does. Either way, her eyes are always mostly open!) I've also caught her sleeping with her chin on a toilet paper tube, or jammed under her cage-mounted water bowl.
Harvey has a couple of different snooze spots. In his enclosure I have two litter boxes and the smaller one he uses mostly for sleeping in, so I keep it in. Better than him sleeping in his mess haha. When he's out and about he's got a couple of different spots. Some times I'll catch him as he's trying soooo hard not to fall asleep. His head'll drop and then he'll start doing the bunny dream twitching. Cutest thing ever.
Teddy's favorite place to sleep is under my bed. I guess she feels safe under there but she loves it. I hate it, but I think I'm gonna have to block it off while I'm bonding, because it'll be so hard to catch if someone marks under there. :( She'll hate me forever...
don't worry, she'll get over it. I took my bunnies' precious upper condo floors away last week (where they almost always slept) so they could get over any stress that caused ahead of time instead of being stressed out by it right after their spays and they got used to it within a couple days.
My bun was like attached to her potty when we first got her, slept in it and spent ALOT of time in it. Now her favorite place to sleep would have to be on my shoulder. She sits on the back of the couch and drapes her body over my shoulder. Shes my little bunny scarf <3
haha awh. I never caught any of my buns doing DBF's or flopped around like that. I ONCE saw Peter try to flip on his back, but only once and I don't think he ever attempted it again!

Archie is a cutie! Your buns make a marvelous pair because both are very different and equally pretty (or should I say handsome for Archie's sake) lol... What kind of litter is it that you're using in the litter box, I wouldn't mind giving it a try.

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