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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
As some of you guys might remeber I Bunny-sat for afew days, any who since this morning babii will not eat her food. But when i put vegies or stuff like that she runs to oit and i just noticed her stomach keeps growlingg as she is hungry..I think my Bun has an Eating disorder..lol sorry just had to add it. Your probably wondering what does my Bunny-sitting have to do with it, well..is someone thinking what im thinking that 'Snow white' Is a mister and baby is having babies?? HELP.
It was just 3 days ago igave him/her back andyes she is drinking. also the vets around here are SUPER expensive and i can really take her to one now. and it seems like Babii can't run. Usually when i openher cage door she runs to the other side of the cage but nowshe will just huddle. Oh and do you think baby food will work, i have a fetish for baby food so i eat it now and then and it just so happens that i have 2 full things of it
The huddling is a sign of pain, so is the stomach gurgling. Most vets will work with you on payment.

See if she'll take the baby food. It's really important that she stays hydrated. If she's not drinking a normal amount, it would be best to syringe some water, pedialyte, or diluted juice (apple, carrot, pineapple) into her. Go slowly so she doesn't aspirate. If you don't have a syringe, try using an eye dropper.
Trust me Brandy456, I live in Canada and have all sorts of animals, and I know vets are expensive, but, by the sounds of things, your bun needs to go to the vet. As SnuggysMom said, most vets will work with you about payments....

If it was me, and that was my Simi sick, I would be at the vet - NOW!

She has eaten again becuase her food bowl has a 'dip; in it she eats middle out so thats a good sign. but she just wont drink water...I will try some baby food i tried to give r some before but she would only take itfrommy finger...great lol
Is she still not eating like usual?

It might be gas, I would pick up a bottle of baby gas medicine with the ingredient simethecone in it. I buy the brand oval in a pink box, but anybabygas remedy with the ingredient simethecone will do. You could also give her some gentle tummy massages as well.

Maybe pick up some unflavoured pedialyte for her too if she's not drinking, Bruno took that willingly. I would also try giving her a bowl if she has a water bottle to encourage her to drink more.

Did you let her run with Snow White? Are you able to get in contact with the owners to see if they can double check Snow White's gender. That's no good if you let them out and Snow White turns out to be a boy.. :?
I agree with what Spring said. Go to the drug store and get some baby gas medicine with Simethicone in it and give her a dropper full. I don't think her stomach is growling because she is hungry, her stomach is gurgling because she has bad gas.

The huddling in the corner is her tyring to ease the pain of her upset stomach.

If you are giving her baby food, just make sure it's a fruit or vegetable and not a jar of anything with meat in it. Applesauce or banana is good, but not too much as its very sweet.

You should try to get her to run around, give her some gentle stomach rubs to help break up the gas. The gas medicine is the most important part and it is not very expensive.

Is she doing any better now than she was earlier?

Im getting no where the only thing she wil leat is her shavings, thats a start lol

.. i will try the gas medicine but Babii's poops are HUGE likeit was a cat. and it smells of human direahha
Are they mushy? Is she drinkingand eating normal food yet? I would try tolimit the shavings incase itcauses a problem with a blockage.If they are turning mushy and diarrhea like, I would give her some pedialyte so she doesn't dehydrate

I would really get the gas medicine asap before too much time goes past and you'll be facing other issues. When might you be able to get them? You can give her a few cc's of it, but you can't overdose. Just make sure at least some gets into her. You can try some gentle tummy massages.

Hope she is ok. When was the last time you knew she ate and made normal round poops?
I hope you understand that this sounds like it's getting serious. Rabbits can go downhill very quickly as well.

Is she taking any hay at all?Have you syringed any baby food to her?

Like Spring said, you need to keep her hydrated, with Pedialyte.

I hope she looks up soon. Is her tummy still gurgly?
I hope she's ok, but you need to get her to a vet right now!! It sounds bad!!

Hope she's okay!!:clover:

Get that poor rabbit to the vet NOW!
Seriously - don't mess about waiting to see what happens. My friend did that, ignoring my advice trying to save herself some money and her bunny died. You are her carer and responsible for her, and I beg you to stop posting on here wasting valuable time when your bunny is suffering, pick up the phone and go see a vet. PLEASE.

Sorry if I sound harsh but I've seen 2 rabbits die in the last two weeks because they didn't get to a vets fast enough, and I am really sad about it.
Munchkin wrote:
Get that poor rabbit to the vet NOW!
Seriously - don't mess about waiting to see what happens. My friend did that, ignoring my advice trying to save herself some money and her bunny died. You are her carer and responsible for her, and I beg you to stop posting on here wasting valuable time when your bunny is suffering, pick up the phone and go see a vet. PLEASE.

Sorry if I sound harsh but I've seen 2 rabbits die in the last two weeks because they didn't get to a vets fast enough, and I am really sad about it.

When you start getting a smell like thatfrom rabbit poop bad things are happening. It usually means there is something causing a die off of the beneficial bacteria. That will allow harmful bacteria to take over and the result is usually a very painful death. That would tie in with the other info youprovided. You mentioned your parents insist you pay for it. I have no problem with that since I am a parent too. However, now is the time to show your maturity and convincethem about the seriousness of the situation. I would suggest you quickly negotiate a deal with your parents that they pay the vet bill up front and extend you a line of credit and you pay it backas agreed. From the sounds of things, this could turn really bad really quickly for the bun. Get moving.


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