two girls going at it

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Nov 7, 2006
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I have two mini-rex girl bunnies. We have neverhad them professionally sexed but we were told they were both girls.The smaller of the girls, we noticed, started mounting the other. Whenwe put our hands in the cage the smaller one, the one mounting, wouldlay her ears back and jump at us. From what I understand she was inheat. She mounted the other so much she had big patches of fur missingon her sides, so we seperated them for awhile. It's been about a monthsince we put them back together and they still continue to go at it. AmI missing something? Should I get them fixed? Or should I just seperatethem? Please help!

First off, this is on topic, I'll move it to the Rabbits Only main forum.

Secondly, yes, two girls will mount each other to show dominance.

Thirdly, rabbits don't go into heat, they ovulate when they 'do the deed'. (Induced ovulation).

Most importantly, how old are they? It's VERY easy to mis-sexbunnies, so if you do have a boy and a girl just reaching maturity,you're going to have a lot more boys and girls. They canbreedat four months or so I think, so if they're older thanthat and they've been together for awhile and nobunny's presented youwith a litter yet, you're probably safe in that respect.

But if one bunny is being harassed to the point of missing fur, you'llhave to separate them, or better yet, allow them a LOT of space so thatthe harassed bunny can get away when she needs to. She'sprobably soooo stressedout.

Do they cuddle and sleep together? How big is their spacenow? Mini-rexes do better with free run of a big area,regardless, although I know that's not always possible.

PS: :welcome1


Hi there and welcome!

Sas provided you with lots of good info. If they are old enough, Iwould try re-sexing them.We have some pretty good pics in ourresource center on how to sex a bunny. Or, if youknow of alocal breeder in your area, she may be able to help. I think itsprobably good to be sure of their sex, regardless.

Once youre sure that you dont have a male and female, you will need totry to bond them properly if you want them to stay together and getalong. A lotof times this can take a while and requires a lotof patience.

Sas is right though, the one who is being mounted constantly isprobably under a lot of stress. This isnt good for her. Sheneedsher own space.

Anyway, good luck and I hope you canget this sorted out ;)

Hi there and welcome! :)

Yeah if they are actually both girls,it might be best to spay themwhich will help heaps,and then try to re bond them which can take a lotof patience and time,girl bunnies can get very aggressive with allthose hormones racing around.

My girls are desexed,but Sunshine aka sunnybunny,willmountDaisy every now and again andDaisy will do thesame:disgust:,it's funny because my boys are desexedalsoand sometimes Jack will try to mount one of the girls,andhe looks so hopeless poor guy,i think he's sorta forgotten what to do ;)


HI, Welsome to the forum.

I had the exact same problem. I have 2 female rexes and at about 4months Furby started to mount Ellie continuously!! To begin with Elliejust sat there but after a while she would try and run away. I think itwas what caused them to fight twice, with Furby coming off badly.(bigwounds)

I ended up separating them, getting them spayed at about 5.5months and then kept them separate for about 2 weeks after. Then Irebonded them.

Now Furby will very occassionally mount Ellie but nothing like before.

I hope this helps:colors:
When Pebble and Ebony were a few months old,Berri started to mount the other two occasionally (She's theirmother!:shock:) Ebony would also mount Pebble occasionally too. We putit down to dominance, but they never do it now, so Berri is THEBOSS:nod, Ebony is next in line and Pebble is right at thebottom!:(

We never got them spayed, they just stopped themselves. Iwould get them spayed but my mum and dad say they aren't wasting theirmoney on 3 pointless ops:rollseyesIf either Pebble or Ebonywas a boy though, they had agreed to neuter and spayall three!

Michaela and the girls:brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny
Michaela wrote:
We never got them spayed, they just stoppedthemselves. I would get them spayed but my mum and dad saythey aren't wasting their money on 3 pointlessops:rollseyesIf either Pebble or Ebony was a boy though, theyhad agreed to neuter and spayall three!
My sister had 2 undesexed girls,and they lived happily together,theywould mount each other occasionally though,but they were happy together:)

I adopted a pair of sisters who weren't spayedand were about a year and a half old. They chased each othera lot and one mounted the other all the time. They werereally stressing each other out. I don't know how they lastedwith their previous owner. Moving them to a much bigger cagehelped some. Spaying them helped a lot.

Although I would definately have them sexed by a vet or an experiencedbreeder. Genders of baby rabbits are oftenmistaken. So much that we actually have name for it- thegender fairy!:shock:

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