Two bunnies different sexes do both need to be Neutered???

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2005
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, , United Kingdom
If you put a male and female bunny together should both be Neutered or just the one ???

Does anyone have two different sex rabbit with only one spayed????
It really is best to have them bothdone. It helps with unwanted behavior and prevents cancer ofthe reproductive organs, which is very common in rabbits.

Well female rabbits are prone to ovariancancer. Help me out here with numbers anyone but I think itwas something like up to 85% of females by the age of 3 years willdevelop some form of cancer??:shock: I know from experiencewith our male lop that neutering helps alot with unwantedbehavioral issues (like spraying moms hair):yuck, digging, chewing,mounting, aggression...etc etc etc...

Personally I am a huge fan of spaying and neutering.

Dani, Skittles, Peppers and Solembum.
yeah i would definately recommend getting themboth spayed/neutered.. we're planning on getting peapoo spayed eventhough she gets along great with our neutered male..we're doing itbecause of the high risk of her getting cancer:D
To prevent pregnancy, only one needs to befixed. However, I strongly advise that you alter them both. Alteringsignificantly improves behavior, improves their quality of life, andprevents certain health problems (e.g. ovarian cancer in females).
I have an Un- neutered male at present soobviously im going to get a doe and will have her spayed .I justwondered if it's necessary to have him done also.
Yes, you probably will because although shecan't have babies, he won't know that and will try to breed and mounther ect. I've heard this before and the person ended up having toneuter the boy.
kat70 wrote:
Ihave an Un- neutered male at present so obviously im going to get a doeand will have her spayed .I just wondered if it's necessary to have himdone also.
Does anyone have an Unneutered male with a Neutered female??????

How do they get on?????
kat70 wrote:
kat70 wrote:
I have an Un-neutered male at present so obviously im going to get a doe and willhave her spayed .I just wondered if it's necessary to have him donealso.
Does anyone have an Unneutered male with a Neutered female??????

How do they get on?????

Nope, but unneutered males are more or less designed to be energizerbunnies in the sex department. Some boys might do alright,but any of my spayed girls would get really irritated by that muchmounting.
Females need to be spayed for the high risk ofcancer. Males need to be neutered because they will spray EVERYWHEREand they have excellent distance... lol. I got my males nuetered beforethey hit puberty and never had a prob... until this last one. Noahcould spray a good 5 ft at least. That's a lot of stinky clean up!!He's still a rowdy lil bun bun but not as bad. Also, before Noah wasfixed he harassed my poor Daphne to the point of infected sores on herneck. I would suggest if it's a money issue you nueter the buck first.Or phew! :D

My unneutered male isnt that bad.Hes a giant , he's only got my husbandonce , which was quite funny ! My husband was laying a patio and pushedhim out of the way - so it's understandable why he took a shot at him!!:shock:

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