Thank you, Pamnock, again and again for helping us all to understand.
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I am so happy to hear that your baby is in your arms and allowing you to groom her. What a sigh of relief!
Bunbun came so close. When you look at the dates of the thread, yourealize just how much of a miracle this turned out to be. Just like mybaby Tucker.
I look at Tucker and I just think about what almost was. I picture thespot where I was going to bury him. I can't believe he's alive.
I'm absolutely as Over the Top over Bunbun being alive for you. I doknow, and so does everyone else on this board know, what that ride was.The G.I. Stasis post that I put up took everything out of the memberson this forum. My post just drained them, but they were all watchingand waiting for BunBun's recovery.
We all look forward to the day that we can see pictures of BunBun, andin the meantime, do keep us posted on how the little one is doing andthe trouble she gets into.