Tummy Rumbling

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Yeah you don't want to overdo the sugar because carbs can cause gut slowdown and unbalance the gut bacteria.
jojobeez-(cottontail) favorite drink,apple juice-sugarfree of course/served cold,.just watch the poops,-just incase,may not be a concern..i am very protective of this little guy,.he has to try anything i eat,,including my chicken dinner-go figure,.i yelled at him,but he still hauled the chicken across the bed before dropping it,..goofy herbivore,.he actually wanted my corn and potato:rollseyes,.you definately what to keep a rabbit on a good diet,and just because they like what they smell you have to judge whether it is good for them or not-there is a lot of info out there and not necesarily good for them,..house of rabbits,and rabbit secrets give you some ins and outs///do,s and don,ts/toxic plants need to be looked at if you cultivate from the yard,..sincerely james waller [email protected]
yes,when rabbits sleep sound/with security they are out to the world,inner eyelense and outer eye lid closed,..i have one that was asleep so sound flopped over on his side and my enterance did not arouse him,..my heart stopped-i swear-until i saw him breathing-shallow- and then slowly woke him up,all the time i was praying-oh,dear god,no,no.don,t be sick,..bad enough first sight thought he was dead.!!..,..have a nice day,.sincerely james waller:)
james waller wrote:
jojobeez-(cottontail) favorite drink,apple juice-sugarfree of course/served cold,.just watch the poops,-just incase,may not be a concern..i am very protective of this little guy,.he has to try anything i eat,,including my chicken dinner-go figure,.i yelled at him,but he still hauled the chicken across the bed before dropping it,..goofy herbivore,.he actually wanted my corn and potato:rollseyes,.you definately what to keep a rabbit on a good diet,and just because they like what they smell you have to judge whether it is good for them or not-there is a lot of info out there and not necesarily good for them,..house of rabbits,and rabbit secrets give you some ins and outs///do,s and don,ts/toxic plants need to be looked at if you cultivate from the yard,..sincerely james waller [email protected]
Well I only gave her a little bit mixed with water. I don't let her eat anything except for her pellets, hay and a few pieces of greens as she has a sensitive tummy for an old girl. Don't have to worry about plants here as there are none :)
james waller wrote:
yes,when rabbits sleep sound/with security they are out to the world,inner eyelense and outer eye lid closed,..i have one that was asleep so sound flopped over on his side and my enterance did not arouse him,..my heart stopped-i swear-until i saw him breathing-shallow- and then slowly woke him up,all the time i was praying-oh,dear god,no,no.don,t be sick,..bad enough first sight thought he was dead.!!..,..have a nice day,.sincerely james waller:)
In all the years she's been with us shes never done the dead bunny flop and I was not gonna let her start now. Cause 1 day it could be the real thing and I might not notice. :(
I know I'll be an emotional wreck when it's her time to leave me. :cry2

yes,i have been there done that,.i would rather lose an arm than one of my own,..long story short,..in march 2004-my wife and i were rehabing a havanna female rabbit(had been bit by a dog),the infection caused head tilt,we were blessed to have her companyuntil,-7-05-when she was overcome with complications out of our control,we have her in a little box,-:cry1:but the tears still flow,-we purchased another just like her from a grain feedery in lakewood wash. and love him dearly/very spoiled and loving:blushan:,.in door rabbits (female)do live longer/if they are fixed,(due to uteren cancer)..sincerely james waller [email protected] :p
How is Monster's doing? I'm so worried about her condition. Hope all is well:hug:.

In my experience, the only time I heard tummy rumbling, like from across a room, was when my first bun was put on drugs for CHF, very scary. But, I think the meds caused this, either that/including the disease. Not sure. But, it was loud! My vet at that time wasn't concerned, saying "that's normal", ughhh, no it's not. Not especially if you've never heard it before, but yes, otherwise, it is normal. :(


What ever seemed to be bothering Monsters a few day's ago has passed. :) She was out for a very long day in my room yesterday and I didn't see any signs that she was uncomfortable. I had picked her up many times and her tummy sounded better.

Thanx everyone for your input

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